Mojtaba Rajabi
Cited by
Cited by
The World Stress Map database release 2016: Crustal stress pattern across scales
O Heidbach, M Rajabi, X Cui, K Fuchs, B Müller, J Reinecker, K Reiter, ...
Tectonophysics 744, 484-498, 2018
World Stress Map Database Release 2016
O Heidbach, M Rajabi, K Reiter, M Ziegler, WSM Team
GFZ Data Services,, 2016
Subsurface fracture analysis and determination of in-situ stress direction using FMI logs: An example from the Santonian carbonates (Ilam Formation) in the Abadan Plain, Iran
M Rajabi, S Sherkati, B Bohloli, M Tingay
Tectonophysics 492 (1-4), 192-200, 2010
Intelligent approaches for prediction of compressional, shear and Stoneley wave velocities from conventional well log data: A case study from the Sarvak carbonate reservoir in …
M Rajabi, B Bohloli, EG Ahangar
Computers & Geosciences 36 (5), 647-664, 2010
The present-day stress field of Australia
M Rajabi, M Tingay, O Heidbach, R Hillis, S Reynolds
Earth-Science Reviews 168, 165-189, 2017
The present-day state of tectonic stress in the Darling Basin, Australia: implications for exploration and production
M Rajabi, M Tingay, O Heidbach
Marine and Petroleum Geology 77, 776-790, 2016
Present‐day stress orientation in the Clarence‐Moreton Basin of New South Wales, Australia: a new high density dataset reveals local stress rotations
M Rajabi, M Tingay, R King, O Heidbach
Basin Research 29, 622-640, 2017
Organic geochemistry and petrography of Kazhdumi (Albian–Cenomanian) and Pabdeh (Paleogene) potential source rocks in southern part of the Dezful Embayment, Iran
B Alizadeh, H Sarafdokht, M Rajabi, A Opera, M Janbaz
Organic geochemistry 49, 36-46, 2012
Active faulting geometry and Stress pattern near complex strike‐slip system along the Maghreb region: constraints on active convergence in the Western Mediterranean
A Soumaya, NB Ayed, M Rajabi, M Meghraoui, D Delvaux, A Kadri, ...
Tectonics, 2018
The present-day stress field of New South Wales, Australia
M Rajabi, M Tingay, O Heidbach
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 63 (1), 1-21, 2016
World stress map
O Heidbach, M Rajabi, K Reiter, M Ziegler
Encyclopedia of Petroleum Geoscience, 1-8, 2019
The stress pattern of Iceland
M Ziegler, M Rajabi, O Heidbach, GP Hersir, K Ágústsson, S Árnadóttir, ...
Tectonophysics 674, 101-113, 2016
History, Geology, In Situ Stress Pattern, Gas Content and Permeability of Coal Seam Gas Basins in Australia: A Review
A Salmachi, M Rajabi, C Wainman, S Mackie, P McCabe, B Camac, ...
Energies 14 (9), 2651, 2021
Stress map of the Mediterranean and Central Europe 2016
O Heidbach, C Custodio, A Kingdon, MT Mariucci, P Montone, B Müller, ...
GFZ Data Services, 2016
Prediction of the present-day stress field in the Australian continental crust using 3D geomechanical–numerical models
M Rajabi, O Heidbach, M Tingay, K Reiter
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 64 (4), 435-454, 2017
Automated classification of metamorphosed coal from geophysical log data using supervised machine learning techniques
K Maxwell, M Rajabi, J Esterle
International Journal of Coal Geology 214, 103284, 2019
Fluid flow characteristics of Bandanna Coal Formation: a case study from the Fairview Field, eastern Australia
Z Yarmohammadtooski, A Salmachi, A White, M Rajabi
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 64 (3), 319-333, 2017
An open-access stress magnitude database for Germany and adjacent regions
S Morawietz, O Heidbach, K Reiter, M Ziegler, M Rajabi, G Zimmermann, ...
Geothermal Energy 8, 1-39, 2020
Subsurface fractures, in-situ stress and permeability variations in the Walloon Coal Measures, eastern Surat Basin, Queensland, Australia
S Mukherjee, M Rajabi, J Esterle, J Copley
International Journal of Coal Geology 222, 103449, 2020
World Stress Map 2016. GFZ Data Services
O Heidbach, M Rajabi, K Reiter, M Ziegler
DOI, 2016
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Articles 1–20