Troy Sadkowsky
Troy Sadkowsky
Data Scientist
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Cited by
The Australian Twittersphere in 2016: Mapping the follower/followee network
A Bruns, B Moon, F Münch, T Sadkowsky
Social Media+ Society 3 (4), 2056305117748162, 2017
OccIDEAS: Retrospective occupational exposure assessment in community‐based studies made easier
L Fritschi, MC Friesen, D Glass, G Benke, J Girschik, T Sadkowsky
Journal of environmental and public health 2009 (1), 957023, 2009
TrISMA: Tracking infrastructure for social media analysis
A Bruns, J Burgess, J Banks, D Tjondronegoro, A Dreiling, J Hartley, ...
QUT Digital Media Research Centre, 2016
OccIDEAS: web-based assessment of occupational agent exposure
L Fritschi, T Sadkowsky, DC Glass
International Journal of Epidemiology 49 (2), 376-379, 2020
Triaging jobs in a community-based case–control study to increase efficiency of the expert occupational assessment method
L Fritschi, T Sadkowsky, GP Benke, A Thomson, DC Glass
Annals of occupational hygiene 56 (4), 458-465, 2012
Evaluation of automatically assigned job-specific interview modules
MC Friesen, Q Lan, C Ge, SJ Locke, D Hosgood, L Fritschi, T Sadkowsky, ...
Annals of Occupational Hygiene 60 (7), 885-899, 2016
Towards a methodology for examining Twitter follower accession
A Bruns, D Woodford, T Sadkowsky
First Monday 19 (4), 1-9, 2014
Exploring the global demographics of Twitter
A Bruns, D Woodford, T Sadkowsky
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2014
Testing the utility of categorisation of jobs in a community-based case-control study
L Fritschi, T Sadkowsky, G Benke, D Glass
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 68 (Suppl 1), A10-A10, 2011
Retrospective Occupational Exposure Assessment in Community-Based Studies Made Easier
L Fritschi, J Girschik, MC Friesen, D Glass, GB Monash, T Sadkowsky
Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2010, 2010
Research Article OccIDEAS: Retrospective Occupational Exposure Assessment in Community-Based Studies Made Easier
L Fritschi, MC Friesen, D Glass, G Benke, J Girschik, T Sadkowsky
BCEES evaluating cost-effectiveness of eResearch tools
T Sadkowsky
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Articles 1–12