Jashim Uddin
Cited by
Cited by
Dynamic relationship between stock prices and exchange rates: Evidence from three South Asian countries
ML Rahman, J Uddin
International Business Research 2 (2), 167-174, 2009
Time series behavior of imports and exports of bangladesh: Evidence from cointegration analysis and error correction model
J Uddin
International Journal of Economics and Finance 1 (2), 156-162, 2009
Factors influencing importance of country of brand and country of manufacturing in consumer product evaluation
J Uddin, S Parvin, ML Rahman
International Journal of Business and Management 8 (4), 65, 2013
Relationship between stock prices and exchange rates: Evidence from Bangladesh
L Rahman, J Uddin
International Journal of Business and Management 3 (9), 52-57, 2008
Using best-worst scaling method to examine consumers’ value preferences: A multidimensional perspective
S Parvin, P Wang, J Uddin
Cogent Business & Management 3 (1), 1199110, 2016
Assessing two consumer behavioural intention models in a service environment
S Parvin, PZ Wang, J Uddin
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 29 (3), 653-668, 2017
Determinants of Purchasing Imported Products in a Regular Basis: Development of a Regression Model
J Uddin, S Parvin, ML Rahman
International Journal of Business and Management 3 (10), 25-32, 2008
The impact of country-of-origin (COO) on Australian procurement managers
J Uddin
Macquarie University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of …, 2015
Test of weak form of efficiency in emerging markets: a south Asian evidence
ML Rahman, J Uddin
ABAC Journal 32 (1), 2012
Impact of company and country antecedents on B2B buyer perceived supplier performance
J Uddin, G Elliott, S Parvin
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 37 (9), 1835-1851, 2022
Impact of overall country image and product country image on international supplier performance
J Uddin, S Parvin
East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, 2016
Influence of country-of-origin on overseas supplier performance
J Uddin, G Elliott, H Hamin
ANZMAC 2014: Annual Conference proceedings: Agents of change, 900, 2014
The Relevance of B2B buyers in country-of origin research
J Uddin, G Elliott
Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (2013), 1-1, 2013
Determinants of Selecting Country-Of-Origin (COO) as an Ingredient of Sourcing Strategy: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
J Uddin, ML Rahman, S Parvin
ABAC Journal 29 (2), 2009
Packaging: The Unvoiced Communication Device to Revolutionize Consumer Intention to Acquire a Brand
S Parvin, J Uddin, R Arifur
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies: A Journal of the Faculty of …, 2008
Random Walk Hypothesis and Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) General Index: An Econometric Analysis
ML Rahman, J Uddin, A Salat
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 29 (1), 115-136, 2008
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Articles 1–16