Peter Van de Ven
Cited by
Cited by
Optimal control of end-user energy storage
PM Van De Ven, N Hegde, L Massoulié, T Salonidis
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (2), 789-797, 2013
Optimal control of residential energy storage under price fluctuations
N Hegde, L Massoulié, T Salonidis
Energy, 2011
Instability of maxweight scheduling algorithms
P van de Ven, S Borst, S Shneer
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 1701-1709, 2009
Managing appointment booking under customer choices
N Liu, PM Van de Ven, B Zhang
Management Science 65 (9), 4280-4298, 2019
Insensitivity and stability of random-access networks
PM van de Ven, SC Borst, JSH Van Leeuwaarden, A Proutiere
Performance Evaluation 67 (11), 1230-1242, 2010
Balanced distributed backup scheduling
D Boullery, A Schoergendorfer, PM Van de Ven, B Zhang
US Patent 9,244,777, 2016
Achieving target throughputs in random-access networks
PM van de Ven, A Janssen, JSH Van Leeuwaarden, SC Borst
Performance Evaluation 68 (11), 1103-1117, 2011
Spatial fairness in linear random-access networks
PM van de Ven, JSH Van Leeuwaarden, D Denteneer, A Janssen
Performance Evaluation 69 (3-4), 121-134, 2012
Dispatching fire trucks under stochastic driving times
D Usanov, PM van de Ven, RD van der Mei
Computers & Operations Research 114, 104829, 2020
Spatial inefficiency of MaxWeight scheduling
P Van de Ven, S Borst, L Ying
2011 International Symposium of Modeling and Optimization of Mobile, Ad Hoc …, 2011
Joint transmission in cellular networks with CoMP—Stability and scheduling algorithms
G Grebla, B Birand, P van de Ven, G Zussman
Performance Evaluation 91, 38-55, 2015
Distributed backup scheduling: Modeling and optimization
PM Van De Ven, B Zhang, A Schörgendorfer
IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1644-1652, 2014
Balancing exposed and hidden nodes in linear wireless networks
PM Van De Ven, AJEM Janssen, JSH Van Leeuwaarden
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 22 (5), 1429-1443, 2013
Optimal tradeoff between exposed and hidden nodes in large wireless networks
PM van de Ven, AJEM Janssen, JSH van Leeuwaarden
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement …, 2010
The important role of cisplatin in the treatment of HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer assessed by real-world data analysis
IH Nauta, T Klausch, PM van de Ven, FJP Hoebers, L Licitra, T Poli, ...
Oral oncology 121, 105454, 2021
Fire truck relocation during major incidents
D Usanov, GA Guido Legemaate, PM van de Ven, RD van der Mei
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 66 (2), 105-122, 2019
Inefficiency of MaxWeight scheduling in spatial wireless networks
PM van de Ven, SC Borst, L Ying
Computer Communications 36 (12), 1350-1359, 2013
Equalizing throughputs in random-access networks
PM van de Ven, SC Borst, D Denteneer, A Janssen, ...
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 38 (2), 39-41, 2010
ALOHA networks: a game-theoretic approach
S Marbán, P Van De Ven, P Borm, H Hamers
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 78, 221-242, 2013
Spatial fairness in wireless multi-access networks
PM van de Ven, JSH Van Leeuwaarden, D Denteneer, A Janssen
4th International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies …, 2010
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Articles 1–20