george paxinos
Cited by
Cited by
The rat brain in stereotaxic coordinates: hard cover edition
G Paxinos, C Watson
Elsevier, 2006
Atlas of the human brain
JK Mai, M Majtanik, G Paxinos
Academic Press, 2015
The rat nervous system
G Paxinos
Academic press, 2014
Revised nomenclature for avian telencephalon and some related brainstem nuclei
A Reiner, DJ Perkel, LL Bruce, AB Butler, A Csillag, W Kuenzel, L Medina, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 473 (3), 377-414, 2004
Avian brains and a new understanding of vertebrate brain evolution
ED Jarvis, O Güntürkün, L Bruce, A Csillag, H Karten, W Kuenzel, ...
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6 (2), 151-159, 2005
The human nervous system
JK Mai, G Paxinos
Academic press, 2011
The mouse brain in stereotaxic coordinates, Compact
G Paxions
(No Title), 2008
Bregma, lambda and the interaural midpoint in stereotaxic surgery with rats of different sex, strain and weight
G Paxinos, C Watson, M Pennisi, A Topple
Journal of neuroscience methods 13 (2), 139-143, 1985
Paxinos and Franklin's the Mouse brain in stereotaxic coordinates, compact: The coronal plates and diagrams
KBJ Franklin, G Paxinos
Academic press, 2019
The human nervous system
G Paxinos, JK Mai
Elsevier, 2004
Atlas of the human brainstem
G Paxinos, XF Huang
Elsevier, 2013
Atlas of the developing rat brain.
G Paxinos
(No Title), 1991
Paxinos & Watson the Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates: The New Coronal Set
G Paxinos
Elsevier, 2005
The central and peripheral ends of the substance P-containing sensory neurones in the rat trigeminal system
AC Cuello, M Del Fiacco, G Paxinos
Brain research 152 (3), 499-509, 1978
The spinal cord: a Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation text and atlas
C Watson, G Paxinos, G Kayalioglu
Academic press, 2009
Selective right parietal lobe activation during mental rotation: a parametric PET study
IM Harris, GF Egan, C Sonkkila, HJ Tochon-Danguy, G Paxinos, ...
Brain 123 (1), 65-73, 2000
A stereotaxic MRI template set for the rat brain with tissue class distribution maps and co-registered anatomical atlas: application to pharmacological MRI
AJ Schwarz, A Danckaert, T Reese, A Gozzi, G Paxinos, C Watson, ...
Neuroimage 32 (2), 538-550, 2006
Cytoarchitecture of mouse and rat cingulate cortex with human homologies
BA Vogt, G Paxinos
Brain Structure and Function 219, 185-192, 2014
The chick brain in stereotaxic coordinates and alternate stains: featuring neuromeric divisions and mammalian homologies
L Puelles, M Martinez-de-la-Torre, S Martinez, C Watson, G Paxinos
Academic Press, 2018
Comparison of the basal ganglia in rats, marmosets, macaques, baboons, and humans: volume and neuronal number for the output, internal relay, and striatal modulating nuclei
CD Hardman, JM Henderson, DI Finkelstein, MK Horne, G Paxinos, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 445 (3), 238-255, 2002
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