Lu Guan 官璐
Lu Guan 官璐
Fudan University 复旦大学
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Cited by
Predicting reposting latency of news content in social media: A focus on issue attention, temporal usage pattern, and information redundancy
L Guan, H Liang, JJH Zhu
Computers in Human Behavior 127, 107080, 2022
Framing and counter-framing in online collective actions: the case of LGBT protests in a Muslim nation
J Oktavianus, B Davidson, L Guan
Information, Communication & Society 26 (3), 479-495, 2023
Applying user analytics to uses and effects of social media in China
JJH Zhu, Y Zhou, L Guan, L Hou, A Shen, H Lu
Asian Journal of Communication 29 (3), 291-306, 2019
Mapping the structures of international communication organizations’ networks and cross-sector relationships on social media and exploring their antecedents
Y Wang, L Guan
Public Relations Review 46 (4), 101951, 2020
Who is tracking health on mobile devices: behavioral logfile analysis in Hong Kong
L Guan, TQ Peng, JJH Zhu
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (5), e13679, 2019
Staying, switching, and multiplatforming of user-generated content activities: a 12-year panel study
L Hou, L Guan, Y Zhou, A Shen, W Wang, A Luo, H Lu, JJH Zhu
Internet Research 33 (4), 1372-1398, 2023
Segmenting and characterizing adopters of e-books and paper books based on Amazon book reviews
L Guan, Y Zhang, J Zhu
Proceedings of Chinese National Conference on Social Media Processing, 85-97, 2016
Census of Twitter users: Scraping and describing the national network of South Korea
L Guan, XF Liu, W Sun, H Liang, JJH Zhu
Plos one 17 (11), e0277549, 2022
Predicting information exposure and continuous consumption: Self-level interest similarity, peer-level interest similarity and global popularity
L Guan, Y Zhang, JJH Zhu
Online Information Review 46 (2), 337-355, 2022
Have color representations in books changed over the past 200 years? An empirical analysis based on the Google Books Ngram corpus
L Guan, W Shi, Q Li, J Oktavianus, M Wu
Color Research & Application 49 (1), 65-78, 2024
张洪忠, 官璐, 朱蕗鋆
现代传播: 中国传媒大学学报, 42-46, 2015
Debunking Fake News Together: Analyzing the Practice of Collective Correction to Combat Misinformation
J Oktavianus, B Davidson, L Guan
72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2022), 2022
官璐, 周葆华
当代传播, 2022
Silencing Terrorists: An Analysis of Online Counter-Narrative Campaign to Fight Terrorism in a Muslim Nation
J Oktavianus, B Davidson, L Guan
71st Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA21), 2021
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Articles 1–14