Sivasathivel Kandasamy
Sivasathivel Kandasamy
Sr. Manager - AI/ML, Cognizant Technology Solutions
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A comparison of methods for smoothing and gap filling time series of remote sensing observations–application to MODIS LAI products
S Kandasamy, F Baret, A Verger, P Neveux, M Weiss
Biogeosciences 10 (6), 4055-4071, 2013
The CACAO method for smoothing, gap filling, and characterizing seasonal anomalies in satellite time series
A Verger, F Baret, M Weiss, S Kandasamy, E Vermote
IEEE transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (4), 1963-1972, 2013
An approach for evaluating the impact of gaps and measurement errors on satellite land surface phenology algorithms: Application to 20 year NOAA AVHRR data over Canada
S Kandasamy, R Fernandes
Remote Sensing of Environment 164, 114 - 129, 2015
A comparison of methods for smoothing and gap filling time series of remote sensing observations: application to MODIS LAI products.
S Kandasamy, F Baret, A Verger, P Neveux, M Weiss
Biogeosciences Discussions 9 (12), 2012
Assessment of three methods for near real-time estimation of leaf area index from AVHRR data
S Kandasamy, A Verger, F Baret
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55 (3), 1489-1497, 2016
Temporal techniques in remote sensing of global vegetation
A Verger, S Kandasamy, F Baret
Multitemporal Remote Sensing: Methods and Applications, 217-232, 2016
Improving the consistency and continuity of MODIS 8 day leaf area index products
S Kandasamy, P Neveux, A Verger, S Buis, M Weiss, F Baret
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications 58 (2), 2012
BioPar Methods Compendium-LAI, FAPAR and FCOVER from LTDR AVHRR Series
F Baret, M Weiss, A Verger, S Kandasamy
INRA-EMMAH: Avignon, 50, 2011
The effective nature of lai as measured from remote sensing observations
S Kandasamy, R Lopez-Lozano, F Baret, N Rochdi
2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 789-792, 2010
LAI, FAPAR and FCOVER products derived from AVHRR long time series: Principles and evaluation
A Verger, F Baret, M Weiss, R Lacaze, H Makhmara, P Pacholczyk, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7844, 2012
Optimization of image parameters using a hyperspectral library application to soil identification and moisture estimation
S Kandasamy, F Tavin, A Minghelli-Roman, S Mathieu, L Weidong, ...
2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 3, III-141 …, 2009
Leaf Area Index (LAI) monitoring at global scale: improved definition, continuity and consistency of LAI estimates from kilometric satellite observations
S Kandasamy
Near-real time estimates of leaf area index from AVHRR time series data
S Kandasamy, A Verger, F Baret, M Weiss, S Buis
2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 6475-6478, 2012
Quantification of LAI interannual anomalies by adjusting climatological patterns
A Verger, F Baret, M Weiss, S Kandasamy, E Vermote
2011 6th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote …, 2011
Optimal band selection for future satellite sensor dedicated to soil science
S Kandasamy, A Minghelli-Roman, F Tavin, S Mathieu, F Baret, P Gouton
2009 First Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution …, 2009
Assessment of satellite based vegetation land surface phenology algorithms with application to a 20 year NOAA AVHRR record over Canada and Northern USA
S Kandasamy, R Fernandes
2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 3522-3525, 2014
Suivi de l'indice foliaire (LAI) à l'échelle globale: amélioration de la définition, de la continuité et de la cohérence des estimations de LAI à partir d'observations …
S Kandasamy
Université d'Avignon, 2013
A comparison of methods for smoothing and gap filling time series Biogeosciences Discussions A comparison of methods for smoothing and gap filling time series of remote sensing …
S Kandasamy, F Baret, A Verger, P Neveux, M Weiss
Biogeosciences Discussions, 2012
Vegetation and Land
S Kandasamy, A Verger, F Baret, P Varvia, T Lähivaara, M Maltamo, ...
Optimization and Validation of Image Parameters for a Future Satellite Sensor Dedicated to Soil Science
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Articles 1–20