Anthony Collins
Cited by
Cited by
Who did what? who said that? Collaid: an environment for capturing traces of collaborative learning at the tabletop
R Martínez, A Collins, J Kay, K Yacef
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and …, 2011
Investigating intuitiveness and effectiveness of gestures for free spatial interaction with large displays
L Hespanhol, M Tomitsch, K Grace, A Collins, J Kay
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 1-6, 2012
Firestorm: A Brainstorming Application for Colloborative Group Work at Tabletops
AJ Clayphan, University of Sydney. School of Information Technologies
University of Sydney, School of Information Technologies, 2011
Firestorm: a brainstorming application for collaborative group work at tabletops
A Clayphan, A Collins, C Ackad, B Kummerfeld, J Kay
ITS '11: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive …, 2011
Conveying interactivity at an interactive public information display
K Grace, R Wasinger, C Ackad, A Collins, O Dawson, R Gluga, J Kay, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 19-24, 2013
Heuristics to support design of new software for interaction at tabletops
T Apted, A Collins, J Kay
CHI workshop on multitouch and surface computing, 2009
Tabletop file system access: Associative and hierarchical approaches
A Collins, T Apted, J Kay
Second Annual IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human …, 2007
Bullies, sissies and crybabies: Dangerous common sense in educating boys for violence
A Collins
Agenda 27 (1), 71-83, 2013
Collaborative personal information management with shared, interactive tabletops
A Collins, J Kay
Proc. PIM 2008 CHI Workshop, 2008
Curator: a design environment for curating tabletop museum experiences
B Sprengart, A Collins, J Kay
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and …, 2009
Comparing a Single-Touch Whiteboard and a Multi-Touch Tabletop for Collaboration in School Museum Visits
A Clayphan, A Collins, J Kay, N Slawitschka, J Horder
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
Switch: exploring the design of application and configuration switching at tabletops
CJ Ackad, A Collins, J Kay
ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 95-104, 2010
Understanding file access mechanisms for embedded ubicomp collaboration interfaces
A Collins, A Bezerianos, G McEwan, M Rittenbruch, R Wasinger, J Kay
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing …, 2009
My museum tour: Collaborative poster creation during school museum visits
A Collins, A Clayphan, J Kay, J Horder
Educational Interfaces, Software, and Technology 2012: 3rd Workshop on UI …, 2012
A Comparison of the Pirquet, Mantoux, Ring and Tubercumet Tests in Lymanhurst Children
American Journal of Diseases of Children 32 (3), 367-372, 1926
Exploring tabletop file system interaction
AE Collins
CHI'07 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2171-2176, 2007
Escaping hierarchies and desktops: Associative, pervasive file access with user control
A Collins, J Kay
School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney, 2010
Gestures, body language and behavior
A Collins
New York, NY: DKC, 2003
Core functionality and new applications for tabletops and interactive surfaces
A Collins, CJ Ackad, T Apted, P Sztajer, P Ward, H Weng, J Kay
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing …, 2011
Exploring tabletop file system interaction
A Collins
School of Information Technology, 2006
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Articles 1–20