“I like talking to people on the computer”: Outcomes of a home-based intervention to develop social media skills in youth with disabilities living in rural communities P Raghavendra, C Hutchinson, E Grace, D Wood, L Newman Research in developmental disabilities 76, 110-123, 2018 | 103 | 2018 |
What defines quality of care for older people in aged care? A comprehensive literature review J Cleland, C Hutchinson, J Khadka, R Milte, J Ratcliffe Geriatrics & Gerontology International 21 (9), 765-778, 2021 | 84 | 2021 |
Inclusive university experience in Australia: Perspectives of students with intellectual disability and their mentors F Rillotta, J Arthur, C Hutchinson, P Raghavendra Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 24 (1), 102-117, 2020 | 76 | 2020 |
Planning for the future among older parents of adult offspring with intellectual disability living at home and in the community: A systematic review of qualitative studies R Walker, C Hutchinson Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 43 (4), 453-462, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
The big squeeze: work, home and care in 2012: Australian work and life index (AWALI) 2012 NJ Skinner, CL Hutchinson, BA Pocock Centre for Work and Life, University of South Australia, 2012 | 47* | 2012 |
The big squeeze: Work, home and care in 2012 N Skinner, C Hutchinson, B Pocock The Centre for Work+ Life, University of South Australia, 2012 | 46 | 2012 |
Valuing the impact of health and social care programs using social return on investment analysis: how have academics advanced the methodology? A systematic review CL Hutchinson, A Berndt, D Forsythe, S Gilbert-Hunt, S George, J Ratcliffe BMJ open 9 (8), e029789, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Do we agree or disagree? A systematic review of the application of preference-based instruments in self and proxy reporting of quality of life in older people C Hutchinson, A Worley, J Khadka, R Milte, J Cleland, J Ratcliffe Social Science & Medicine 305, 115046, 2022 | 39 | 2022 |
A review of the development and application of generic preference-based instruments with the older population J Cleland, C Hutchinson, J Khadka, R Milte, J Ratcliffe Applied health economics and health policy 17 (6), 781-801, 2019 | 39 | 2019 |
Developing dimensions for a new preference-based quality of life instrument for older people receiving aged care services in the community J Cleland, C Hutchinson, C McBain, R Walker, R Milte, J Khadka, ... Quality of Life Research 30, 555-565, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Valuing the impact of health and social care programmes using social return on investment analysis: how have academics advanced the methodology? A protocol for a systematic … CL Hutchinson, A Berndt, S Gilbert-Hunt, S George, J Ratcliffe BMJ open 8 (12), e022534, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Care-giving dynamics and futures planning among ageing parents of adult offspring with intellectual disability R Walker, C Hutchinson Ageing & Society 39 (7), 1512-1527, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Developing a new quality of life instrument with older people for economic evaluation in aged care: study protocol J Ratcliffe, I Cameron, E Lancsar, R Walker, R Milte, CL Hutchinson, ... BMJ open 9 (5), e028647, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Older adults’ community participation, physical activity, and social interactions during and following COVID-19 restrictions in Australia: a mixed methods approach C Gough, C Barr, LK Lewis, C Hutchinson, A Maeder, S George BMC Public Health 23 (1), 172, 2023 | 29 | 2023 |
Saying “welcome” is not enough: women, information systems and equity in work L Miller, TA Wood, J Halligan, L Keller, C Hutchinson‐Pike, D Kornbrot, ... Career Development International 5 (7), 379-389, 2000 | 26 | 2000 |
Caring for a family member with intellectual disability into old age: Applying the sociocultural stress and coping model to Italian and Greek migrants in Australia R Walker, I Belperio, S Gordon, C Hutchinson, F Rillotta Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 33 (5), 887-897, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Using social return on investment analysis to calculate the social impact of modified vehicles for people with disability C Hutchinson, A Berndt, J Cleland, S Gilbert‐Hunt, S George, J Ratcliffe Australian occupational therapy journal 67 (3), 250-259, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
People with intellectual disabilities as business owners: A systematic review of peer‐reviewed literature C Hutchinson, K Lay, J Alexander, J Ratcliffe Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 34 (2), 459-470, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
Australia's Aged Care System: Assessing the views and preferences of the general public for quality of care and future funding: Research Paper 6: A research study for the Royal … J Ratcliffe, G Chen, J Cleland, B Kaambwa, J Khadka, C Hutchinson, ... Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
The integration of mixed methods data to develop the quality of life–aged care consumers (QOL-ACC) instrument C Hutchinson, J Ratcliffe, J Cleland, R Walker, R Milte, C McBain, ... BMC geriatrics 21 (1), 702, 2021 | 18 | 2021 |