Predisclosure information search incentives, analyst following, and earnings announcement price response SJ Dempsey Accounting Review, 748-757, 1989 | 217 | 1989 |
Effects of agency and transaction costs on dividend payout ratios: further evidence of the agency‐transaction cost hypothesis SJ Dempsey, G Laber Journal of Financial research 15 (4), 317-321, 1992 | 182 | 1992 |
The use of strategic performance variables as leading indicators in financial analyst's forecasts SJ Dempsey, JF Gatti, DJ Grinnell, WL Cats-Baril Available at SSRN 2346, 1997 | 166 | 1997 |
Earnings management and corporate ownership structure: An examination of extraordinary item reporting SJ Dempsey, HG Hunt III, NW Schroeder Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 20 (4), 479-500, 1993 | 140 | 1993 |
Financial opacity and firm performance: the readability of REIT annual reports SJ Dempsey, DM Harrison, KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 45, 450-470, 2012 | 122 | 2012 |
Dividend policies in practice: is there an industry effect? SJ Dempsey, G Laber, MS Rozeff Quarterly journal of business and economics, 3-13, 1993 | 108 | 1993 |
On the benefits of a mathematical solutions approach to time value of money instruction: Arguments and evidence SJ Dempsey Journal of Accounting Education 21 (3), 239-260, 2003 | 16 | 2003 |
Dividend change announcements, ROE, and the cost of equity capital SJ Dempsey, H Sheng International Review of Financial Analysis 86, 102506, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
Interim earnings management and the fourth quarter good news effect SJ Dempsey Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 21 (6), 889-908, 1994 | 11 | 1994 |
Core earnings uncertainty, dividend change announcements and the reduction of covariance component risks SJ Dempsey, DM Harrison, H Sheng Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 42 (9-10), 1075-1120, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Point of View: Contingent Choice Behavioral Models in the Presence of Information Uncertainty S Dempsey, D Harrison, K Luchtenberg, M Seiler Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 16 (3), 289-299, 2010 | | 2010 |
Partitioning market efficiencies by analyst attention: the case of annual earnings announcements SJ Dempsey Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985 | | 1985 |
Journal of Business and SJ Dempsey, G Laber, MS Rozeff, JM Clinebell, JR Squires, JL Stevens, ... | | |