Alice Campbell
Cited by
Cited by
Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: The role of school and parent organisation leadership
J Povey, AK Campbell, LD Willis, M Haynes, M Western, S Bennett, ...
International Journal of Educational Research 79, 128-141, 2016
Changes in Sexual Identity Labels in a Contemporary Cohort of Emerging Adult Women: Patterns, Prevalence and a Typology
A Campbell, F Perales, J Baxter
The Journal of Sex Research, 2020
Who supports equal rights for same-sex couples?
F Perales, A Campbell
Family Matters, 28-41, 2018
Health disparities between sexual minority and different-sex-attracted adolescents: Quantifying the intervening role of social support and school belonging
F Perales, A Campbell
LGBT health 7 (3), 146-154, 2020
Early roots of sexual-orientation health disparities: associations between sexual attraction, health and well-being in a national sample of Australian adolescents
F Perales, A Campbell
J Epidemiol Community Health 73 (10), 954-962, 2019
Sexual orientation and adolescent time use: How sexual minority youth spend their time
F Perales, A Campbell, M O'Flaherty
Child Development 91 (3), 983-1000, 2020
Religion, support of equal rights for same-sex couples and the Australian national vote on marriage equality
F Perales, G Bouma, A Campbell
Sociology of Religion 80 (1), 107-129, 2019
Three-generation education patterns among grandparents, parents and grandchildren: Evidence of grandparent effects from Australia
K Hancock, F Mitrou, J Povey, A Campbell, SR Zubrick
Sexual fluidity and psychological distress: What happens when young women’s sexual identities change?
A Campbell, F Perales, TL Hughes, BG Everett, J Baxter
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 63 (4), 577-593, 2022
Do extracurricular activities contribute to better adolescent outcomes? A fixed‐effects panel data approach
M O'Flaherty, J Baxter, A Campbell
Journal of adolescence 94 (6), 855-866, 2022
Sexual minority women in longitudinal survey research: Is attrition a problem?
A Campbell, F Perales, J Baxter
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49, 1443-1461, 2020
Educational inequality across three generations in Australia
KJ Hancock, F Mitrou, J Povey, A Campbell, SR Zubrick
Australian Journal of Social Issues 53 (1), 34-55, 2018
Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of identifying as mainly heterosexual: Stability and change across three cohorts of Australian women
F Perales, AK Campbell, BG Everett, R McNair, TL Hughes
Archives of Sexual Behavior 50 (8), 3459-3477, 2021
Parents’ interest in their child’s education and children’s outcomes in adolescence and adulthood: Does gender matter?
AK Campbell, J Povey, KJ Hancock, F Mitrou, M Haynes
International Journal of Educational Research 85, 131-147, 2017
Trajectories of loneliness among older women and men: Variation by sexual identity?
J Lam, A Campbell
The Gerontologist 63 (2), 328-337, 2023
How many Australians are not heterosexual? It depends on who, what and when you ask
F Perales, A Campbell
The Conversation, 2019
Following a straight path? The social locations and sexual identity trajectories of emerging adult women
A Campbell
Journal of Sociology 59 (2), 511-529, 2023
Revealed: who supports marriage equality in Australia–and who doesn’t
F Perales, A Campbell
The Conversation 31, 2017
Heteropatriarchy, sexual violence, and sexual fluidity
A Campbell
Sexual fluidity among millennial women: Journeys across a shifting sexual …, 2022
Sexual fluidity among millennial women: Journeys across a shifting sexual landscape
A Campbell
Palgrave Macmillan, 2022
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Articles 1–20