Titik Respati
Titik Respati
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung
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Cited by
Hesitancy in COVID-19 vaccine uptake and its associated factors among the general adult population: a cross-sectional study in six Southeast Asian countries
RR Marzo, W Sami, MZ Alam, S Acharya, K Jermsittiparsert, ...
Tropical medicine and health 50, 1-10, 2022
Pengetahuan dan perilaku swamedikasi oleh ibu-ibu di Kelurahan Tamansari Kota Bandung
PA Aswad, Y Kharisma, Y Andriane, T Respati, E Nurhayati
Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan & Sains 1 (2), 107-113, 2019
Perceived COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, acceptance, and drivers of vaccination decision-making among the general adult population: A global survey of 20 countries
RR Marzo, A Ahmad, MS Islam, MY Essar, P Heidler, I King, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 16 (1), e0010103, 2022
Psychological distress during pandemic Covid-19 among adult general population: Result across 13 countries
RR Marzo, Z Ismail, MNN Htay, R Bahari, R Ismail, EQ Villanueva III, ...
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 10, 100708, 2021
Berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi kejadian demam berdarah dengue di Kota Bandung
T Respati, A Raksanagara, H Djuhaeni, A Sofyan, L Faridah, D Agustian, ...
Aspirator Journal of Vector-Borne Diseases 9 (2), 91-96, 2017
Hubungan pengetahuan dengan upaya penerapan K3 pada perawat
ND Hanifa, T Respati, Y Susanti
Bandung Meeting on Global Medicine & Health (BaMGMH) 1 (1), 144-149, 2017
Efektivitas Metode Promosi Kesehatan dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi Siswa SMP Negeri
N Syatiawati, T Respati, DS Rosady
Bandung Meeting on Global Medicine & Health (BaMGMH) 1 (1), 42-48, 2017
A nationwide survey of psychological distress among Indonesian residents during the COVID-19 pandemic
TR Titik Respati, Siska Nia Irasanti, Dewi Sartika, Ieva Baniyah Akbar, Roy ...
International Journal of Public Health and Science 10 (1), 119-126, 2021
Perbandingan Kloramfenikol dengan Seftriakson terhadap lama hari turun demam pada anak demam tifoid
FA Nuraini, H Garna, T Respati
Prosiding Pendidikan Dokter, 914-919, 2015
Digital health literacy for COVID-19 vaccination and intention to be immunized: a cross sectional multi-country study among the general adult population
RR Marzo, TT Su, R Ismail, MNN Htay, MY Essar, S Chauhan, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 998234, 2022
Bunga Rampai Artikel Penyakit Virus Korona (COVID-19) Editor: Titik Respati
T Respati, HS Rathomi
Kopidpedia, 2020
Pemanfaatan kalender 4M sebagai alat bantu meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat dalam pemberantasan dan pencegahan demam berdarah
T Respati, E Nurhayati, M Mahmudah, Y Feriandi, B Budiman, FA Yulianto, ...
Global Medical and Health Communication 4 (2), 121-128, 2016
Hubungan tingkat pengetahuan bahaya rokok dengan perilaku merokok Mahasiswa Laki-Laki di Fakultas Kedokteran
JT Kadar, T Respati, SN Irasanti
Bandung Meeting on Global Medicine & Health (BaMGMH) 1 (1), 60-67, 2017
Karakteristik dan gaya hidup pasien hipertensi di Rumah Sakit Al-Islam Bandung
R Ramdhani, T Respati, SN Irasanti
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) 1 (2), 63-68, 2013
Spatial distribution of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in urban setting of Bandung city
T Respati, A Raksanagara, H Djuhaeni, A Sofyan
GMHC 5 (3), 212-8, 2017
Perception towards vaccine effectiveness in controlling COVID-19 spread in rural and urban communities: A global survey.
Frontiers in Public Health 10 (10.3389/fpubh.2022.958668), 2022
Gambaran partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengendalian vektor melalui kajian tempat perkembangbiakan Aedes aegypti di Kota Bandung
L Faridah, T Respati, S Sudigdoadi, H Sukandar
MKB 49 (1), 43-7, 2017
Kopidpedia Bunga Rampai Artikel Penyakit Virus Korona (COVID-19)
T Respati, HS Rathomi
Bandung: Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Islam Bandung, 2020
A Qualitative Ecohealth Model of Dengue Fever (DF) in Bandung, Indonesia
ASPD Titik Respati, Yudi Feriandi , Ermi Ndoen, Ardini Raksanegara, Heni ...
International Journal of Tropical Diseases 1 (1), 1-12, 2018
Faktor Risiko nyeri PUNGGUNG BAWAH pada ibu rumah tangga
FR Nugraha, T Respati, A Rachmi
Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains (JIKS), 2020
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Articles 1–20