Dr Marilyn Bromberg
Cited by
Cited by
Beauty is only photoshop deep: legislating models' BMIs and photoshopping images.
M Krawitz
Journal of law and medicine 21 (4), 859-874, 2014
One does not simply sell e-cigarettes in Australia: An overview of Australian e-cigarette regulations
C Gartner, M Bromberg
The Regulation of E-cigarettes, 249-278, 2019
Promotion of e-cigarettes on TikTok and regulatory considerations
J Jancey, T Leaver, K Wolf, B Freeman, K Chai, S Bialous, M Bromberg, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (10), 5761, 2023
Prevalence and pattern of energy drink intake among Australian adolescents
G Trapp, M Hurworth, H Christian, M Bromberg, J Howard, C McStay, ...
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 34 (2), 300-304, 2021
All about That Bass and Photoshopping a Model's Waist: Introducing Body Image Law
M Bromberg, C Halliwell
U. Notre Dame Austl. L. Rev. 18, 1, 2016
The medium is not the message: A content analysis of public information about vaping product regulations in Australia
KES Saw, K Morphett, C Puljević, M Bromberg, C Gartner
Drug and Alcohol Review 38 (5), 569-578, 2019
Under the Influence: Regulating Influencers Giving Nutrition Advice.
M Bromberg, L Fitzgerald
Journal of law and Medicine 28 (4), 1092-1104, 2021
Guilty as Tweeted: Jurors using social media inappropriately during the trial process
M Krawitz
UWA Faculty of Law Research Paper, 2012
You Are Beautiful, No Matter What They Say: Applying an Evidence-Based Approach to Body Image Law
M Bromberg, M Hay, T Fitzgerald, C de Freitas
Issues L. & Med. 34, 183, 2019
Stop the presses, but not the tweets: Why Australian judicial officials should permit journalists to use social media in the courtroom
M Krawitz
Flinders LJ 15, 1, 2013
Reading between the text (s)-interpreting emoji and emoticons in the australian criminal law context
M Bromberg, L Welmans, C Lee
New Criminal Law Review 23 (4), 655-686, 2020
Should Australian courts give more witnesses the right to Skype?
M Krawitz, J Howard
Journal of Judicial Administration 25, 2015
I'm a Celebrity, Don't Get Me out of Here: How Law and Celebrity Advocacy Can Protect Young People from Miracle Weight Loss Products' Advertising on Social Media
N Cardaci, M Bromberg, K Luong
Hastings J. Gender & L. 33, 29, 2022
We didn't start this fireless vapour: e-cigarette legislation in Australia.
M Krawitz
Journal of law and Medicine 22 (2), 462-481, 2014
Vape Club: Exploring Non-Profit Regulatory Models for the Supply of Vaporised Nicotine Products.
C Gartner, M Bromberg, T Musgrove, K Luong
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (8), 2018
Mark Zuckerberg, the cookie monster-Australian privacy law and internet cookies
R Slattery, M Krawitz
Flinders LJ 16, 1, 2014
Can Australian judges keep their" friends" close and their ethical obligations closer? An analysis of the issues regarding Australian judges' use of social media
M Krawitz
E-cigarettes on Instagram: exploring vape content via an Australian vaping influencer
J Jancey, RN Carey, B Freeman, T Leaver, K Wolf, M Bromberg, K Chai, ...
Tobacco Induced Diseases 22, 2024
Individual, social, and environmental correlates of energy drink use among adolescents
GSA Trapp, M Hurworth, H Christian, M Bromberg, J Howard, C McStay, ...
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 54 (3), 255-262, 2022
Have a (Non-Energy) Drink on Me-Modifying the Laws Regarding Energy Drinks in Australia
M Bromberg, N Cardaci, G Trapp, K Luong
Food and Drug Law Journal 74 (3), 440-477, 2019
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Articles 1–20