Rekha Udgiri
Rekha Udgiri
Professor of Community Medicine, BLDE University Shri.B.M.Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research
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A study of knowledge, attitude and practices on immunization of children in urban slums of Bijapur city, Karnataka, India
MM Angadi, AP Jose, R Udgiri, KA Masali, V Sorganvi
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 7 (12), 2803, 2013
Misoprostol for primary versus secondary prevention of postpartum haemorrhage: a cluster‐randomised non‐inferiority community trial
S Raghavan, S Geller, S Miller, SS Goudar, H Anger, MC Yadavannavar, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 123 (1), 120-127, 2016
Knowledge and practices regarding menstruation among adolescent girls in an urban slum, Bijapur.
R Udgiri, MM Angadi, S Patil, V Sorganvi
Journal of the Indian Medical Association 108 (8), 514-516, 2010
A study on the health status of food handlers employed in food establishments in Bijapur city
RS Udgiri, KA Masali
Indian Journal of Community Medicine 32 (2), 131-132, 2007
Menstrual hygienic practices among adolescent girls of rural North Karnataka region, India.
VV Patil, R Udgiri
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2016
A study on traditional beliefs and practices in newborn care among mothers in a tertiary health care centre in Vijayapura, North Karnataka
N Nethra, R Udgiri
Int J Community Med Public Health 5 (3), 1035-1040, 2018
socio demographic factors for early marrisge and early pregnancy - a community based study
R Udgiri
National journal if comprehensive Health 5 (2), 59-66, 2017
Comparative study to determine the prevalence and socio-cultural practices of infertility in Rural and Urban field practice area of Tertiary Care Hospital, Vijayapura, Karnataka
R Udgiri, VV Patil
Indian Journal of Community Medicine 44 (2), 129-133, 2019
Knowledge about HIV/AIDS among First Year Medical Students
R Udgiri, MC Yadavannavar, SE Angadi, MM
Al Ame en J Me d S ci 4 (3), 280-282, 2011
assessment of nutritional status of primary school children in urban field practice area.vijayapura
R Sandeep G.Yankanchi, Praveen ganganahalli
international journal of community medicine and public health 5 (2), 779-783, 2018
Knowledge and food hygiene practices among food handlers employed in food establishments of Bijapur City.
R Udgiri, MC Yadavnnavar
Indian Journal of Public Health 50 (4), 240-241, 2006
Risk Factors for Ischemic Stroke : A Case Control Study
DKSA VijayaSorganvi, Kulkarni, M. S., RekhaUdgiri
IJBR 4 (1), 9-12, 2014
Cultural practices related to postnatal care: A hospital-based study
R Udgiri
Journal of the Scientific Society 44 (3), 152-155, 2017
Knowledge attitude and practices of family planning methods among postnatal mothers-A hospital based study.
R Udgiri, V Sorganvi
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2016
Breast feeding practices among postnatal mothers-a hospital based study.
R Udgiri, SKJV Sorganvi
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2015
Knowledge about Diabetes Mellitus and its Control among College Students.
GV Kulkarni, R Udgiri, MM Angadi, VM Sorganvi
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2012
Knowledge and its complications of Diabetes Amongst the known Diabetic Patients–A Hospital Based Study.
V Sorganvi, SSDMMAR Udgiri
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2013
Assessing impact event scale of post-traumatic stress disorder of covid-19 pandemic among postgraduates working at tertiary care hospital—a cross-sectional study
RS Udgiri, SG Biradar, M Shannawaz
Librapharm Ltd., 2021
study on knowledge ,attitude and practice about breast feeding and complementary feeding among mothers attending health camp
shailaja patil. viday mallesh, rekha udgiri
international journal of community medicine and public health 7 (5), 1779, 2020
Effect of Dietary Diversity on the Nutritional Status in Pregnant Women and in Turn its Effect on Birth Weight of the Baby.
R Manjula, R Udgiri, A Mallapur, S Patil
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Articles 1–20