Wenyan Wu
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Cited by
Protocol for developing ANN models and its application to the assessment of the quality of the ANN model development process in drinking water quality modelling
W Wu, GC Dandy, HR Maier
Environmental Modelling & Software 54, 108-127, 2014
Ensemble flood forecasting: Current status and future opportunities
W Wu, R Emerton, Q Duan, AW Wood, F Wetterhall, DE Robertson
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 7 (3), e1432, 2020
Battle of the water networks II
A Marchi, E Salomons, A Ostfeld, Z Kapelan, AR Simpson, AC Zecchin, ...
Journal of water resources planning and management 140 (7), 04014009, 2014
Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions in multiobjective genetic algorithm optimization of water distribution systems
W Wu, AR Simpson, HR Maier
Journal of water resources planning and management 136 (2), 146-155, 2010
An ANN-based emulation modelling framework for flood inundation modelling: Application, challenges and future directions
H Chu, W Wu, QJ Wang, R Nathan, J Wei
Environmental Modelling & Software 124, 104587, 2020
Guidelines for studying diverse types of compound weather and climate events
E Bevacqua, C De Michele, C Manning, A Couasnon, AFS Ribeiro, ...
Earth's Future 9 (11), e2021EF002340, 2021
Mapping dependence between extreme rainfall and storm surge
W Wu, K McInnes, J O'grady, R Hoeke, M Leonard, S Westra
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (4), 2461-2474, 2018
Single-objective versus multiobjective optimization of water distribution systems accounting for greenhouse gas emissions by carbon pricing
W Wu, HR Maier, AR Simpson
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 136 (5), 555-565, 2010
A benchmarking approach for comparing data splitting methods for modeling water resources parameters using artificial neural networks
W Wu, RJ May, HR Maier, GC Dandy
Water Resources Research 49 (11), 7598-7614, 2013
Artificial neural network based hybrid modeling approach for flood inundation modeling
S Xie, W Wu, S Mooser, QJ Wang, R Nathan, Y Huang
Journal of Hydrology 592, 125605, 2021
On lack of robustness in hydrological model development due to absence of guidelines for selecting calibration and evaluation data: Demonstration for data‐driven models
F Zheng, HR Maier, W Wu, GC Dandy, HV Gupta, T Zhang
Water Resources Research 54 (2), 1013-1030, 2018
Incorporation of variable-speed pumping in multiobjective genetic algorithm optimization of the design of water transmission systems
W Wu, AR Simpson, HR Maier, A Marchi
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 138 (5), 543-552, 2012
Multiobjective optimization of water distribution systems accounting for economic cost, hydraulic reliability, and greenhouse gas emissions
W Wu, HR Maier, AR Simpson
Water Resources Research 49 (3), 1211-1225, 2013
Improved validation framework and R-package for artificial neural network models
GB Humphrey, HR Maier, W Wu, NJ Mount, GC Dandy, RJ Abrahart, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 92, 82-106, 2017
Sensitivity of optimal tradeoffs between cost and greenhouse gas emissions for water distribution systems to electricity tariff and generation
W Wu, AR Simpson, HR Maier
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 138 (2), 182-186, 2012
Including stakeholder input in formulating and solving real-world optimisation problems: Generic framework and case study
W Wu, HR Maier, GC Dandy, R Leonard, K Bellette, S Cuddy, ...
Environmental modelling & software 79, 197-213, 2016
A rapid flood inundation modelling framework using deep learning with spatial reduction and reconstruction
Y Zhou, W Wu, R Nathan, QJ Wang
Environmental Modelling & Software 143, 105112, 2021
Exploding the myths: An introduction to artificial neural networks for prediction and forecasting
HR Maier, S Galelli, S Razavi, A Castelletti, A Rizzoli, IN Athanasiadis, ...
Environmental modelling & software, 105776, 2023
A multi-class toll-based approach to reduce total emissions on roads for sustainable urban transportation
L Perera, RG Thompson, W Wu
Sustainable Cities and Society 63, 102435, 2020
Streamflow prediction using LASSO-FCM-DBN approach based on hydro-meteorological condition classification
H Chu, J Wei, W Wu
Journal of Hydrology 580, 124253, 2020
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