Yunru Chloe Lai
Yunru Chloe Lai
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Southern Queensland
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Cited by
An empirical model for prediction of wheat yield, using time-integrated Landsat NDVI
YR Lai, MJ Pringle, PM Kopittke, NW Menzies, TG Orton, YP Dang
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 72, 99-108, 2018
Strategic tillage in conservation agricultural systems of north-eastern Australia: why, where, when and how?
YP Dang, A Balzer, M Crawford, V Rincon-Florez, H Liu, AR Melland, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 (2), 1000-1015, 2018
Increment-averaged kriging: a comparison with depth-harmonized mapping of soil exchangeable sodium percentage in a cropping region of eastern Australia
YR Lai, TG Orton, MJ Pringle, NW Menzies, YP Dang
Geoderma 363, 114151, 2020
Micro-and nanoplastics in agricultural soils: Assessing impacts and navigating mitigation
Y Seo, Z Zhou, Y Lai, G Chen, K Pembleton, S Wang, J He, P Song
Science of The Total Environment, 172951, 2024
A cost-effective approach to estimate plant available water capacity
S Gajurel, Y Lai, C Lobsey, KG Pembleton
Geoderma 442, 116794, 2024
Quantifying forfeited wheat yield due to soil sodicity in high, moderate and low rainfall conditions in the northern grains region of Australia
YR Lai, MJ Pringle, PM Kopittke, NW Menzies, TG Orton, YP Dang
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Articles 1–6