peter a. biro
peter a. biro
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Are animal personality traits linked to life-history productivity?
PA Biro, JA Stamps
Trends in ecology & evolution 23 (7), 361-368, 2008
Do consistent individual differences in metabolic rate promote consistent individual differences in behavior?
PA Biro, JA Stamps
Trends in ecology & evolution 25 (11), 653-659, 2010
Rapid depletion of genotypes with fast growth and bold personality traits from harvested fish populations
PA Biro, JR Post
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (8), 2919-2922, 2008
Small within-day increases in temperature affects boldness and alters personality in coral reef fish
PA Biro, C Beckmann, JA Stamps
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1678), 71-77, 2010
Predators select against high growth rates and risk–taking behaviour in domestic trout populations
PA Biro, MV Abrahams, JR Post, EA Parkinson
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Sampling bias resulting from animal personality
PA Biro, NJ Dingemanse
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 24 (2), 66-67, 2009
Over-winter lipid depletion and mortality of age-0 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
PA Biro, AE Morton, JR Post, EA Parkinson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61 (8), 1513-1519, 2004
Unpredictable animals: individual differences in intraindividual variability (IIV)
JA Stamps, M Briffa, PA Biro
Animal Behaviour 83 (6), 1325-1334, 2012
Behavioural trade‐offs between growth and mortality explain evolution of submaximal growth rates
PA Biro, MV Abrahams, JR Post, EA Parkinson
Journal of animal ecology 75 (5), 1165-1171, 2006
Boldness, trappability and sampling bias in wild lizards
AJ Carter, R Heinsohn, AW Goldizen, PA Biro
Animal Behaviour 83 (4), 1051-1058, 2012
How does temperature affect behaviour? Multilevel analysis of plasticity, personality and predictability in hermit crabs
M Briffa, D Bridger, PA Biro
Animal Behaviour 86 (1), 47-54, 2013
From individuals to populations: prey fish risk‐taking mediates mortality in whole‐system experiments
PA Biro, JR Post, EA Parkinson
Ecology 84 (9), 2419-2431, 2003
Using repeatability to study physiological and behavioural traits: ignore time-related change at your peril
PA Biro, JA Stamps
Animal Behaviour 105, 223-230, 2015
Ontogeny of energy allocation reveals selective pressure promoting risk-taking behaviour in young fish cohorts
PA Biro, JR Post, MV Abrahams
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1571), 1443-1448, 2005
On the validity of a single (boldness) assay in personality research
C Beckmann, PA Biro
Ethology 119 (11), 937-947, 2013
Predictability as a personality trait: consistent differences in intraindividual behavioral variation
PA Biro, B Adriaenssens
The American Naturalist 182 (5), 621-629, 2013
Mechanisms for climate-induced mortality of fish populations in whole-lake experiments
PA Biro, JR Post, DJ Booth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (23), 9715-9719, 2007
Staying cool: behavioral thermoregulation during summer by young-of-year brook trout in a lake
PA Biro
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127 (2), 212-222, 1998
Maximum weight cycle packing in directed graphs, with application to kidney exchange programs
P Biro, DF Manlove, R Rizzi
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 1 (04), 499-517, 2009
Personality and individual differences in plasticity
JA Stamps, PA Biro
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 12, 18-23, 2016
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