Jason But
Jason But
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Cited by
A survey of delay-based and hybrid TCP congestion control algorithms
R Al-Saadi, G Armitage, J But, P Branch
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (4), 3609-3638, 2019
Passive TCP stream estimation of RTT and jitter parameters
J But, U Keller, D Kennedy, G Armitage
The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 30th Anniversary (LCN'05) l …, 2005
Issues with network address translation for SCTP
DA Hayes, J But, G Armitage
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 39 (1), 23-33, 2008
Rapid identification of bittorrent traffic
J But, P Branch, T Le
IEEE Local Computer Network Conference, 536-543, 2010
Adaptive Chunklets and AQM for higher-performance content streaming
J Kua, G Armitage, P Branch, J But
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2019
Generic attributes for skype identification using machine learning
RN Jesudasan, P Branch, J But
Swinburne, 2010
Outsourcing automated QoS control of home routers for a better online game experience
J But, G Armitage, L Stewart
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (12), 64-70, 2008
An Analysis of Blockchain-Based IoT Sensor Network Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
KG Arachchige, P Branch, J But
Sensors 24 (10), 3083, 2024
Rapid and generalized identification of packetized voice traffic flows
P Branch, J But
37th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 85-92, 2012
Automated network games enhancement layer: a proposed architecture
J But, N Williams, S Zander, L Stewart, G Armitage
Proceedings of 5th ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Network and system support for …, 2006
Designing a scalable video-on-demand system
J But, G Egan
IEEE 2002 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems …, 2002
How RTT between the control and data plane on a SDN network impacts on the perceived performance
HD Vu, J But
2015 International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference …, 2015
Performance analysis of the angel system for automated control of game traffic prioritisation
J But, T Nguyen, L Stewart, N Williams, G Armitage
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Network and system support …, 2007
Evaluation of Correlation between Temperature of IoT Microcontroller Devices and Blockchain Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks
KG Arachchige, P Branch, J But
Sensors 23 (14), 6265, 2023
LoRa Based Linear Network Applications, Design Considerations and Open Challenges: A Review
RM Liaqat, P Branch, J But
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2022
Limitations of existing MPEG-1 ciphers for streaming video
J But
Technical Report CAIA, 2004
Analysis of power consumption in consumer ADSL modems
AO Calchand, P Branch, J But
Power 12, 1A, 2010
Bittorrent traffic classification
TM Le, J But
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures. Technical Report A 91022, 2009
The brave new world of online digital home entertainment
J But, TTT Nguyen, G Armitage
IEEE communications magazine 43 (5), 84-89, 2005
Use of blockchain in health sensor networks to secure information integrity and accountability
K Godawatte, P Branch, J But
Procedia Computer Science 210, 124-132, 2022
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Articles 1–20