Odette Leiter
Odette Leiter
The University of Queensland, Queensland Brain Institute
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Cited by
Selenium mediates exercise-induced adult neurogenesis and reverses learning deficits induced by hippocampal injury and aging
O Leiter, Z Zhuo, R Rust, JM Wasielewska, L Grönnert, S Kowal, ...
Cell metabolism 34 (3), 408-423. e8, 2022
Exercise-induced activated platelets increase adult hippocampal precursor proliferation and promote neuronal differentiation
O Leiter, S Seidemann, RW Overall, B Ramasz, N Rund, S Schallenberg, ...
Stem cell reports 12 (4), 667-679, 2019
Platelets in neurodegenerative conditions—friend or foe?
O Leiter, TL Walker
Frontiers in immunology 11, 747, 2020
Platelets: the missing link between the blood and brain?
O Leiter, TL Walker
Progress in neurobiology 183, 101695, 2019
Delayed and transient increase of adult hippocampal neurogenesis by physical exercise in DBA/2 mice
RW Overall, TL Walker, O Leiter, S Lenke, S Ruhwald, G Kempermann
PloS one 8 (12), e83797, 2013
Platelet-derived exerkine CXCL4/platelet factor 4 rejuvenates hippocampal neurogenesis and restores cognitive function in aged mice
O Leiter, D Brici, SJ Fletcher, XLH Yong, J Widagdo, N Matigian, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 4375, 2023
A common language: how neuroimmunological cross talk regulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis
O Leiter, G Kempermann, TL Walker
Stem cells international 2016 (1), 1681590, 2016
The antidepressant effect of testosterone: An effect of neuroplasticity?
A Walther, JM Wasielewska, O Leiter
Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research, 104-110, 2019
L-lactate exerts a pro-proliferative effect on adult hippocampal precursor cells in vitro
A Pötzsch, S Zocher, SN Bernas, O Leiter, AE Rünker, G Kempermann
Iscience 24 (2), 2021
Isolation, Culture and Differentiation of Adult Hippocampal Precursor Cells
SN Bernas, O Leiter, TL Walker, G Kempermann
Bio-protocol 7 (21), 10.21769/BioProtoc.2603, 2017
An exercise “sweet spot” reverses cognitive deficits of aging by growth-hormone-induced neurogenesis
DG Blackmore, FJ Steyn, A Carlisle, I O’Keeffe, KY Vien, X Zhou, O Leiter, ...
Iscience 24 (11), 2021
The systemic exercise-released chemokine lymphotactin/XCL1 modulates in vitro adult hippocampal precursor cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation
O Leiter, SN Bernas, S Seidemann, RW Overall, C Horenburg, S Kowal, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 11831, 2019
Correction: Selenium mediates exercise-induced adult neurogenesis and reverses learning deficits induced by hippocampal injury and aging
O Leiter, Z Zhuo, R Rust, JM Wasielewska, L Grönnert, S Kowal, ...
Cell Metabolism 35 (6), 1085, 2023
Selenium mediates exercise-induced adult neurogenesis and reverses learning deficits induced by hippocampal injury and aging
O Leiter, Z Zhuo, R Rust, JM Wasielewska, L Grönnert, S Kowal, ...
Cell metabolism 35 (6), 1085, 2023
Exerkines and brain rejuvenation
O Leiter, J Lowe, D Brici, TL Walker
Alzheimer's Association International Conference, 2024
Lrp8 knockout mice fed a selenium-replete diet display subtle deficits in their spatial learning and memory function.
O Leiter, D Brici, IA Mudiyan, FM Choo, A Winkler, TL Walker
Behavioral Neuroscience 138 (2), 125, 2024
Neuro-immune Crosstalk in the Regulation of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis Under Physiological Conditions
O Leiter
Technische Universität Dresden, 2018
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Articles 1–17