David Steel
David Steel
Professor, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia,Univerisity of Wollongong
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Investigation of relative risk estimates from studies of the same population with contrasting response rates and designs
NM Mealing, E Banks, LR Jorm, DG Steel, MS Clements, KD Rogers
BMC medical research methodology 10 (1), 26, 2010
Research article Investigation of relative risk estimates from studies of the same population with contrasting response rates and designs
NM Mealing, E Banks, LR Jorm, DG Steel, MS Clements, KD Rogers
prevalence 1, 2, 2010
Investigation of relative risk estimates from studies of the same population with contrasting response rates and designs
DG Steel, MS Clements, NM Mealing, LR Jorm, K Rogers
Faculty of Informatics-Papers, 26-38, 2010
Aggregation and ecological effects in geographically based data
D Holt, DG Steel, M Tranmer, N Wrigley
Geographical analysis 28 (3), 244-261, 1996
Analysing, modelling, and resolving the ecological fallacy
N Wrigley, T Holt, D Steel, M Tranmer
Spatial analysis: Modelling in a GIS environment, 23-40, 1996
Scales, levels and processes: Studying spatial patterns of British census variables
D Manley, R Flowerdew, D Steel
Computers, environment and urban systems 30 (2), 143-160, 2006
Analysing and adjusting aggregation effects: The ecological fallacy revisited
DG Steel, D Holt
International Statistical Review/Revue Internationale de Statistique, 39-60, 1996
Ignoring a level in a multilevel model: evidence from UK census data
M Tranmer, DG Steel
Environment and Planning A 33 (5), 941-948, 2001
Using census data to investigate the causes of the ecological fallacy
M Tranmer, DG Steel
Environment and Planning A 30 (5), 817-831, 1998
Area homogeneity and the modifiable areal unit problem
D Holt, DG Steel, M Tranmer
Geographical Systems 3 (2/3), 181-200, 1996
Maximum likelihood estimation for sample surveys
RL Chambers, DG Steel, S Wang, A Welsh
CRC Press, 2012
Estimates of probable dementia prevalence from population-based surveys compared with dementia prevalence estimates based on meta-analyses
KJ Anstey, RA Burns, CL Birrell, D Steel, KM Kiely, MA Luszcz
BMC neurology 10 (1), 62, 2010
Estimates of probable dementia prevalence from population-based surveys compared with dementia prevalence estimates based on meta-analyses
KJ Anstey, RA Burns, CL Birrell, D Steel, KM Kiely, MA Luszcz
BMC neurology 10 (1), 62, 2010
Multiple‐membership multiple‐classification models for social network and group dependences
M Tranmer, D Steel, WJ Browne
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society …, 2014
Rules for random aggregation
DG Steel, D Holt
Environment and Planning A 28 (6), 957-978, 1996
Cohort profile: The dynamic analyses to optimize ageing (DYNOPTA) Project
KJ Anstey, JE Byles, MA Luszcz, P Mitchell, D Steel, H Booth, C Browning, ...
International journal of epidemiology 39 (1), 44-51, 2010
Cohort profile: the Dynamic Analyses to Optimize Ageing (DYNOPTA) Project| NOVA. The University of Newcastle's Digital Repository
KJ Anstey, JE Byles, TD Windsor, L Ross, L Bartsch, RA Burns, K Kiely, ...
Oxford University Press, 2010
Inclusion of mobile phone numbers into an ongoing population health survey in New South Wales, Australia: design, methods, call outcomes, costs and sample representativeness
ML Barr, JJ Van Ritten, DG Steel, SV Thackway
BMC medical research methodology 12 (1), 177, 2012
The case for small area microdata
M Tranmer, A Pickles, E Fieldhouse, M Elliot, A Dale, M Brown, D Martin, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society …, 2005
Design and estimation for split questionnaire surveys
JO Chipperfield, DG Steel
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Articles 1–20