Pritish Mohapatra
Pritish Mohapatra
Applied Scientist, Amazon One
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Efficient optimization for rank-based loss functions
P Mohapatra, M Rolinek, CV Jawahar, V Kolmogorov, MP Kumar
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Efficient optimization for average precision svm
P Mohapatra, CV Jawahar, MP Kumar
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, 2014
Optimizing Average Precision using Weakly Supervised Data
A Behl, P Mohapatra, CV Jawahar, MP Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 37 (12), 2545 …, 2015
Monocular vision based road marking recognition for driver assistance and safety
M Sukhwani, S Singh, A Goyal, A Behl, P Mohapatra, BK Bharti, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, 11-16, 2014
Efficient application of Gabor filters with nonlinear support vector machines
A Srivastava, P Mohapatra, AS Mandal
2012 International Conference on Computing Sciences, 7-10, 2012
Partial Linearization based Optimization for Multi-class SVM
P Mohapatra, P Dokania, CV Jawahar, MP Kumar
European Conference on Computer Vision, 2016
Visual approach to dynamic hand gesture recognition for human computer interface
JL Raheja, R Jain, P Mohapatra
Int. J. Recent Trends Eng. Technol 3 (3), 190-194, 2010
Learning to round for discrete labeling problems
P Mohapatra, CV Jawahar, MP Kumar
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1047-1056, 2018
Optimization for and by Machine Learning
P Mohapatra
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, 2021
Efficient Optimization for Rank-based Loss Functions Supplementary Material
P Mohapatra, M Rolınek, CV Jawahar, V Kolmogorov, MP Kumar
ICCS 2012
SS Alur, MC Hanumantharaju, A Srivastava, P Mohapatra, AS Mandal
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