Gabriel Bester
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Cited by
The mechanism of proton conduction in phosphoric acid
L Vilčiauskas, ME Tuckerman, G Bester, SJ Paddison, KD Kreuer
Nature chemistry 4 (6), 461-466, 2012
Pseudopotential calculation of the excitonic fine structure of million-atom self-assembled In 1− x Ga x A s/G a A s quantum dots
G Bester, S Nair, A Zunger
Physical Review B 67 (16), 161306, 2003
Cylindrically shaped zinc-blende semiconductor quantum dots do not have cylindrical symmetry: Atomistic symmetry, atomic relaxation, and piezoelectric effects
G Bester, A Zunger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (4), 045318, 2005
Theoretical and experimental examination of the intermediate-band concept for strain-balanced (In, Ga) As/Ga (As, P) quantum dot solar cells
V Popescu, G Bester, MC Hanna, AG Norman, A Zunger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (20), 205321, 2008
Nanowire quantum dots as an ideal source of entangled photon pairs
R Singh, G Bester
Physical review letters 103 (6), 063601, 2009
Importance of second-order piezoelectric effects in zinc-blende semiconductors
G Bester, X Wu, D Vanderbilt, A Zunger
Physical review letters 96 (18), 187602, 2006
Tuning the Exciton Binding Energies in Single Self-Assembled Quantum Dots <?format ?>by Piezoelectric-Induced Biaxial Stress
F Ding, R Singh, JD Plumhof, T Zander, V Křápek, YH Chen, M Benyoucef, ...
Physical review letters 104 (6), 067405, 2010
Effects of linear and nonlinear piezoelectricity on the electronic properties of quantum dots
G Bester, A Zunger, X Wu, D Vanderbilt
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (8), 081305, 2006
A light-hole exciton in a quantum dot
YH Huo, BJ Witek, S Kumar, JR Cardenas, JX Zhang, N Akopian, R Singh, ...
Nature Physics 10 (1), 46-51, 2014
Electronic excitations in nanostructures: an empirical pseudopotential based approach
G Bester
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (2), 023202, 2008
Excitons, biexcitons, and trions in self-assembled quantum dots: Recombination energies, polarization, and radiative lifetimes versus dot height
GA Narvaez, G Bester, A Zunger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (24), 245318, 2005
Peculiar many-body effects revealed in the spectroscopy of highly charged quantum dots
M Ediger, G Bester, A Badolato, PM Petroff, K Karrai, A Zunger, ...
Nature Physics 3 (11), 774-779, 2007
Lower bound for the excitonic fine structure splitting in self-assembled quantum dots
R Singh, G Bester
Physical review letters 104 (19), 196803, 2010
Theory of excitonic spectra and entanglement engineering in dot molecules
G Bester, J Shumway, A Zunger
Physical Review Letters 93 (4), 047401, 2004
Carrier relaxation mechanisms in self-assembled quantum dots: Efficient Auger relaxation of electrons
GA Narvaez, G Bester, A Zunger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (7), 075403, 2006
Broken symmetry and quantum entanglement of an exciton in quantum dot molecules
G Bester, A Zunger, J Shumway
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (7), 075325, 2005
Conventional optics from unconventional electronics in ZnO quantum dots
S Baskoutas, G Bester
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (20), 9301-9307, 2010
Fine structure of negatively and positively charged excitons in semiconductor quantum dots: electron-hole asymmetry
M Ediger, G Bester, BD Gerardot, A Badolato, PM Petroff, K Karrai, ...
Physical review letters 98 (3), 036808, 2007
First-and second-order piezoelectricity in III-V semiconductors
A Beya-Wakata, PY Prodhomme, G Bester
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (19), 195207, 2011
Hydrofluorinated graphene: Two-dimensional analog of polyvinylidene fluoride
R Singh, G Bester
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (15), 155427, 2011
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Articles 1–20