Diego Vasconcellos
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Cited by
Self-determination theory applied to physical education: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
D Vasconcellos, PD Parker, T Hilland, R Cinelli, KB Owen, N Kapsal, ...
Journal of educational psychology 112 (7), 1444, 2020
Self-determination theory in physical education: A systematic review of qualitative studies
RL White, A Bennie, D Vasconcellos, R Cinelli, T Hilland, KB Owen, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 99, 103247, 2021
A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions.
A Ahmadi, M Noetel, P Parker, RM Ryan, N Ntoumanis, J Reeve, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2023
Effects of physical activity on the physical and psychosocial health of youth with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review and meta-analysis
NJ Kapsal, T Dicke, AJS Morin, D Vasconcellos, C Maïano, J Lee, ...
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 16 (12), 1187-1195, 2019
Scaling-up an efficacious school-based physical activity intervention: Study protocol for the ‘Internet-based Professional Learning to help teachers support Activity in Youth …
C Lonsdale, T Sanders, KE Cohen, P Parker, M Noetel, T Hartwig, ...
BMC public health 16, 1-17, 2016
School-based interventions modestly increase physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness but are least effective for youth who need them most: an individual participant …
TB Hartwig, T Sanders, D Vasconcellos, M Noetel, PD Parker, DR Lubans, ...
British Journal of Sports Medicine 55 (13), 721-729, 2021
Nível de atividade física, estresse e saúde em bancários
MS Viana, A Andrade, AR Back, DIC Vasconcellos
Motricidade 6 (1), 19-32, 2010
Características ocupacionales y sociodemográficas relacionada con la percepción del estrés en policías militares
CM de Liz, L Cirimbelli da Silva, C Arab, M da Silveira Viana, R Brandt, ...
Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar 43 (4), 467-480, 2014
Ocorrência e controle do estresse em gestantes sedentárias e fisicamente ativa
L Segato, A Andrade, DI Cunha Vasconcellos, T Sousa Matias, ...
Revista da Educaçao Física/UEM, 2009, vol. 2019, num. 1, 2009
Estresse psicológico de velejadores de alto nível esportivo em competição
L Segato, R Brandt, CM Liz, DIC Vasconcellos, A Andrade
Motricidade 6 (3), 53-62, 2010
Effect of a scalable school-based intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness in children: a cluster randomized clinical trial
C Lonsdale, T Sanders, P Parker, M Noetel, T Hartwig, D Vasconcellos, ...
JAMA pediatrics 175 (7), 680-688, 2021
A monitoring system to provide feedback on student physical activity during physical education lessons
TB Hartwig, B del Pozo‐Cruz, RL White, T Sanders, M Kirwan, PD Parker, ...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 29 (9), 1305-1312, 2019
Burnout em tenistas brasileiros infanto-juvenis
P de Orleans Casagrande, A Andrade, M da Silveira Viana, ...
Motricidade 10 (2), 60-71, 2014
Rates of compliance and adherence to high-intensity interval training in insufficiently active adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
A Santos, C Lonsdale, D Lubans, D Vasconcellos, N Kapsal, ...
Systematic reviews 9, 1-6, 2020
Estilo de vida, nível habitual de atividade física e percepção de autoeficácia de adolescentes
TS Matias, M Rolim, FL Kretzer, CP Schmoelz, DIC Vasconcellos, ...
Revista da Educação Física/UEM 20 (2), 235-243, 2009
As dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores de Educação Física das escolas públicas do Município de Braço do Norte
Simpósio sobre Formação de Professores (SIMFOP) 2013, 1-14, 2013
Relação entre tempo de reação e o tempo de prática no tênis de campo
A Andrade, A Portela, CDB Luft, DIC Vasconcellos, JB Matos, PJ Perfeito
Lecturas: Educación física y deportes, 38, 2005
Prediction versus explanation in educational psychology: A cross-theoretical approach to using teacher behaviour to predict student engagement in physical education
M Noetel, P Parker, T Dicke, MR Beauchamp, N Ntoumanis, RM Hulteen, ...
Educational Psychology Review 35 (3), 73, 2023
Rates of compliance and adherence to high-intensity interval training: a systematic review and Meta-analyses
A Santos, K Braaten, M MacPherson, D Vasconcellos, M Vis-Dunbar, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 20 (1), 134, 2023
Aspectos motivacionais para a prática de exercício resistido em academias
CM Liz, M da Silveira Viana, R Brandt, NR Lagos, DIC Vasconcellos, ...
Educação Física em Revista 7 (1), 2013
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Articles 1–20