Maria del Carmen Gomez Cabrera
Cited by
Cited by
Response of two species of Indo-Pacific corals, Porites cylindrica and Stylophora pistillata, to short-term thermal stress: The host does matter in determining the tolerance of …
WK Fitt, RD Gates, O Hoegh-Guldberg, JC Bythell, A Jatkar, AG Grottoli, ...
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 373 (2), 102-110, 2009
Population genetics of Australian white sharks reveals fine-scale spatial structure, transoceanic dispersal events and low effective population sizes
DC Blower, JM Pandolfi, BD Bruce, MC Gomez-Cabrera, JR Ovenden
Marine Ecology Progress Series 455, 229-244, 2012
Acquisition of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium) by juveniles of the coral Acropora longicyathus
M del C. Gómez-Cabrera, JC Ortiz, WKW Loh, S Ward, ...
Coral Reefs 27, 219-226, 2008
Refugia under threat: Mass bleaching of coral assemblages in high‐latitude eastern Australia
SW Kim, EM Sampayo, B Sommer, CA Sims, MC Gómez‐Cabrera, ...
Global change biology 25 (11), 3918-3931, 2019
A citizen science approach: a detailed ecological assessment of subtropical reefs at Point Lookout, Australia
C Roelfsema, R Thurstan, M Beger, C Dudgeon, J Loder, E Kovacs, ...
PLoS One 11 (10), e0163407, 2016
A polymorphism in the agouti signalling protein (ASIP) is associated with decreased levels of mRNA
J Voisey, MC Gomez‐Cabrera, DJ Smit, JH Leonard, RA Sturm, ...
Pigment cell research 19 (3), 226-231, 2006
Important ecosystem function, low redundancy and high vulnerability: The trifecta argument for protecting the Great Barrier Reef's tabular Acropora
JC Ortiz, RJ Pears, R Beeden, J Dryden, NH Wolff, MC Gomez Cabrera, ...
Conservation Letters 14 (5), e12817, 2021
Persistence of a frugivorous butterfly species in Venezuelan forest fragments: the role of movement and habitat quality
G Shahabuddin, GA Herzner, CR Aponte, MC Del Gomez
Biodiversity & Conservation 9, 1623-1641, 2000
Broadening the taxonomic scope of coral reef palaeoecological studies using ancient DNA
M del Carmen Gomez Cabrera, JM Young, G Roff, T Staples, JC Ortiz, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (10), 2636-2652, 2019
Effect of colony size and surrounding substrate on corals experiencing a mild bleaching event on Heron Island reef flat (southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia)
JC Ortiz, MC Gomez-Cabrera, O Hoegh-Guldberg
Coral reefs 28, 999-1003, 2009
Juvenile age and available coral species modulate transition probability from herbivory to corallivory in Acanthaster cf. solaris (Crown-of-Thorns Seastar)
RC Neil, M Gomez Cabrera, S Uthicke
Coral Reefs 41 (4), 843-848, 2022
Historical Patterns of Resource Exploitation and the Status of Papua New Guinea Coral Reefs1
MM Berzunza-Sanchez, MCG Cabrera, JM Pandolfi
Pacific Science 67 (3), 425-440, 2013
Survey Methods Manual Unidive Point Lookout Ecological Assessment (PLEA)
R Thurstan, J Flower, M Beger, C Dudgeon, K Gomez, J Ortiz, E Kovacs, ...
The University of Queensland Underwater Club, 2014
Induction of larval settlement in crown-of-thorns starfish is not mediated by conspecific cues
PC Doll, S Uthicke, CF Caballes, F Patel, MC Gomez Cabrera, BJ Lang, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 17119, 2023
High germline mutation rates but not extreme population size outbreaks influence genetic diversity in crown-of-thorns sea stars
I Popovic, LA Bergeron, YM Bozec, AM Waldvogel, SM Howitt, ...
BioRxiv, 2023.06. 28.546961, 2023
eDNA monitoring detects new outbreak wave of corallivorous seastar (Acanthaster cf. solaris) at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef
S Uthicke, JR Doyle, M Gomez Cabrera, F Patel, MJ McLatchie, PC Doll, ...
Coral Reefs, 1-10, 2024
High germline mutation rates, but not extreme population outbreaks, influence genetic diversity in a keystone coral predator
I Popovic, LA Bergeron, YM Bozec, AM Waldvogel, SM Howitt, ...
Plos Genetics 20 (2), e1011129, 2024
Ecological Assessment of the Flora and Fauna of Point Lookout Dive Sites, North Stradbroke Island, Queensland
C Roelfsema, R Thurstan, J Flower, M Beger, M Gallo, J Loder, E Kovacs, ...
The University of Queensland Underwater Club, 2014
Invertebrates populations of Point Lookout Dive Sites, North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, 2014
E Kovacs, P Bray, R Thurstan, J Flower, M Beger, M Gallo, J Loder, ...
Pangaea, 2016
White shark (Carcharodon carcharias) microsatellite genotypes (six loci) from regions along Australia's southern and eastern coastline.
DC Blower, JM Pandolfi, MC Gomez-Cabrera, BD Bruce, JR Ovenden
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Articles 1–20