Laura J. Moore
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Cited by
Shoreline mapping techniques
LJ Moore
Journal of coastal research, 111-124, 2000
Vegetation controls on the maximum size of coastal dunes
O Durán, LJ Moore
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (43), 17217-17222, 2013
Barrier island bistability induced by biophysical interactions
O Durán Vinent, LJ Moore
Nature Climate Change 5 (2), 158-162, 2015
Complexities in barrier island response to sea level rise: Insights from numerical model experiments, North Carolina Outer Banks
LJ Moore, JH List, SJ Williams, D Stolper
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F3), 2010
Comparing mean high water and high water line shorelines: should proxy-datum offsets be incorporated into shoreline change analysis?
LJ Moore, P Ruggiero, JH List
Journal of Coastal Research 22 (4), 894-905, 2006
Long-term cliff retreat and erosion hotspots along the central shores of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
LJ Moore, GB Griggs
Marine Geology 181 (1-3), 265-283, 2002
Historical shoreline changes along the US Gulf of Mexico: a summary of recent shoreline comparisons and analyses
RA Morton, T Miller, L Moore
Journal of Coastal Research 21 (4), 704-709, 2005
Coastal erosion hazards in Santa Cruz and San Diego Counties, California
LJ Moore, BT Benumof, GB Griggs
Journal of Coastal Research, 121-139, 1999
Forecasting the response of Earth's surface to future climatic and land use changes: A review of methods and research needs
JD Pelletier, A Brad Murray, JL Pierce, PR Bierman, DD Breshears, ...
Earth's Future 3 (7), 220-251, 2015
Ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and barrier island response to disturbance: Insights from the Virginia Barrier Islands, Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA
CWV Wolner, LJ Moore, DR Young, ST Brantley, SN Bissett, RA McBride
Geomorphology 199, 115-128, 2013
Interactions between barrier islands and backbarrier marshes affect island system response to sea level rise: Insights from a coupled model
D Walters, LJ Moore, O Duran Vinent, S Fagherazzi, G Mariotti
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119 (9), 2013-2031, 2014
Anthropogenic controls on overwash deposition: Evidence and consequences
LJ Rogers, LJ Moore, EB Goldstein, CJ Hein, J Lorenzo‐Trueba, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (12), 2609-2624, 2015
The influence of sea level rise and changes in fringing reef morphology on gradients in alongshore sediment transport
AE Grady, LJ Moore, CD Storlazzi, E Elias, MA Reidenbach
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (12), 3096-3101, 2013
Exploring marine and aeolian controls on coastal foredune growth using a coupled numerical model
N Cohn, BM Hoonhout, EB Goldstein, S De Vries, LJ Moore, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (1), 13, 2019
Composition and petrogenesis of oxide-, apatite-rich gabbronorites associated with Proterozoic anorthosite massifs: examples from the Adirondack Mountains, New York
J McLelland, L Ashwal, L Moore
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 116, 225-238, 1994
Dune management challenges on developed coasts
N Elko, K Brodie, H Stockdon, K Nordstrom, C Houser, K McKenna, ...
Shore Beach 84 (1), 15-28, 2016
Recent shifts in coastline change and shoreline stabilization linked to storm climate change
JM Johnson, LJ Moore, K Ells, AB Murray, PN Adams, RA MacKenzie III, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (5), 569-585, 2015
Species-specific functional morphology of four US Atlantic coast dune grasses: Biogeographic implications for dune shape and coastal protection
SD Hacker, KR Jay, N Cohn, EB Goldstein, PA Hovenga, M Itzkin, ...
Diversity 11 (5), 82, 2019
Vegetation control allows autocyclic formation of multiple dunes on prograding coasts
P Moore, L.J., Duran Vinent O., Ruggiero
Geology 44, 559-462, 2016
Barrier island morphology and sediment characteristics affect the recovery of dune building grasses following storm-induced overwash
ST Brantley, SN Bissett, DR Young, CWV Wolner, LJ Moore
PLoS One 9 (8), e104747, 2014
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Articles 1–20