Roman I. Khakimov
Roman I. Khakimov
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Wheeler's delayed-choice gedanken experiment with a single atom
AG Manning, RI Khakimov, RG Dall, AG Truscott
Nature Physics 11 (7), 539, 2015
Ghost imaging with atoms
RI Khakimov, BM Henson, DK Shin, SS Hodgman, RG Dall, KGH Baldwin, ...
Nature 540 (7631), 100-103, 2016
Precision Measurement for Metastable Helium Atoms of the 413 nm Tune-Out Wavelength at Which the Atomic Polarizability Vanishes
BM Henson, RI Khakimov, RG Dall, KGH Baldwin, LY Tang, AG Truscott
Physical Review Letters 115 (4), 043004, 2015
Widely tunable, narrow linewidth external-cavity gain chip laser for spectroscopy between 1.0-1.1 um
DK Shin, BM Henson, RI Khakimov, JA Ross, CJ Dedman, SS Hodgman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.05877, 2016
Solving the quantum many-body problem via correlations measured with a momentum microscope
SS Hodgman, RI Khakimov, RJ Lewis-Swan, AG Truscott, ...
Physical Review Letters 118 (24), 240402, 2017
Numerical solver for supercontinuum generation in multimode optical fibers
R Khakimov, I Shavrin, S Novotny, M Kaivola, H Ludvigsen
Optics express 21 (12), 14388-14398, 2013
Single-atom source in the picokelvin regime
AG Manning, R Khakimov, RG Dall, AG Truscott
Physical review letters 113 (13), 130403, 2014
Trapping colloidal dielectric microparticles with overlapping evanescent optical waves
R Khakimov, A Shevchenko, A Havukainen, K Lindfors, M Kaivola
Optics Communications 285 (21-22), 4571-4578, 2012
Ghost Imaging with Atoms and Photons for Remote Sensing
KG Baldwin
Optics and Photonics for Energy and the Environment, EM4B. 1, 2017
Precision temperature controlled filtered laminar air enclosure
CJ Dedman, BM Henson, RI Khakimov, AG Truscott, RG Dall
Measurement Science and Technology 26 (2), 027002, 2015
Ghost Imaging with Matter Waves
R Khakimov, B Henson, D Shin, S Hodgman, R Dall, K Baldwin, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2016
Precision Measurement of the 413 nm Tune-Out Wavelength for Metastable Helium
BM Henson, RI Khakimov, RG Dall, KGH Baldwin, LY Tang, AG Truscott
arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.03642, 2015
Levitation of colloidal particles on an evanescent optical wave
R Khakimov, A Shevchenko, A Havukainen, K Lindfors, M Kaivola
Information Optics (WIO), 2010 9th Euro-American Workshop on, 1-2, 2010
Design and fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures for spectroscopic applications
A Kravchenko, R Khakimov, A Shevchenko, A Priimagi, M Kaivola, ...
Information Optics (WIO), 2010 9th Euro-American Workshop on, 1-2, 2010
A stable and narrow-linewidth external-cavity diode laser at 1083nm
DK Shin, BM Henson, RI Khakimov, SS Hodgman, KGH Baldwin, ...
Magnetic excitations in silver nanocrescents in the blue spectral range: experiments versus calculations
A Shevchenko, R Khakimov, V Ovchinnikov, M Kaivola
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Articles 1–16