Dr Angela Dwyer
Dr Angela Dwyer
Associate Professor of Policing and Emergency Management
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Cited by
‘It’s not like we’re going to jump them’: How transgressing heteronormativity shapes police interactions with LGBT young people
A Dwyer
Youth Justice 11 (3), 203-220, 2011
It's always a pleasure: Exploring productivity and pleasure in a writing group for early career academics
A Dwyer, B Lewis, F McDonald, M Burns
Studies in Continuing Education 34 (2), 129-144, 2012
Policing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people: A gap in the research literature
A Dwyer
Current Issues in Criminal Justice 22 (3), 415-433, 2011
Pleasures, perversities, and partnerships: The historical emergence of LGBT-police relationships
A Dwyer
Handbook of LGBT communities, crime, and justice, 149-164, 2014
Teaching young queers a lesson: How police teach lessons about non-heteronormativity in public spaces
A Dwyer
Sexuality & culture 19, 493-512, 2015
“We’re not like these weird feather boa-covered AIDS-spreading monsters”: How LGBT young people and service providers think riskiness informs LGBT youth–police interactions
A Dwyer
Critical Criminology 22, 65-79, 2014
Cisnormativity, criminalisation, vulnerability: Transgender people in prisons
J Rodgers, N Asquith, A Dwyer
University of Tasmania, 2017
A queer criminal career
NL Asquith, A Dwyer, P Simpson
Current Issues in Criminal Justice 29 (2), 167-180, 2017
The past is the past? The impossibility of erasure of historical LGBTIQ policing
A Dwyer, S Tomsen
Queering criminology, 36-53, 2016
Policing LGBTIQ people in rural spaces: Emerging issues and future concerns
A Dwyer, M Ball, E Barker
Rural Society 24 (3), 227-243, 2015
Exploring LGBTI Police Liaison Services: Factors influencing their use and effectiveness according to LGBTI people and LGBTI police liaison officers: Report to the Criminology …
A Dwyer, M Ball, C Bond, M Lee, T Crofts
Criminology Research Advisory Council, 2017
Policing visible sexual/gender diversity as a program of governance
A Dwyer
International Journal for crime, justice and social democracy 1 (1), 14-26, 2012
Sex, crime and morality
S Hayes, B Carpenter, A Dwyer
Willan, 2012
Building an intersectional and trans-inclusive criminology: Responding to the emergence of “gender critical” perspectives in feminist criminology
J Valcore, HF Fradella, X Guadalupe-Diaz, MJ Ball, A Dwyer, C DeJong, ...
Critical Criminology 29, 687-706, 2021
Police perceptions of young people: A qualitative analysis
K Richards, C Cross, A Dwyer
Police practice and research 20 (4), 360-375, 2019
No longer raising eyebrows: The contexts and domestication of Botox as a mundane medical and cultural artefact
PS Cook, A Dwyer
Journal of consumer culture 17 (3), 887-909, 2017
Policing queer bodies: Focusing on queer embodiment in policing research as an ethical question
A Dwyer
Queensland U. Tech. L. & Just. J. 8, 414, 2008
Training sessional academic staff to provide quality feedback on university students' assessment: Lessons from a faculty of law learning and teaching project
K Richards, T Bell, A Dwyer
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 65 (1), 25-34, 2017
Fighting like a girl… or a boy? An analysis of videos of violence between young girls posted on online fight websites
A Larkin, A Dwyer
Current issues in criminal justice 27 (3), 269-284, 2016
Queering criminologies
A Dwyer, M Ball, T Crofts
Queering criminology, 1-11, 2016
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Articles 1–20