Anh V. Nguyen
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Colloidal science of flotation
A Nguyen, HJ Schulze
CRC, 2003
A review of factors that affect contact angle and implications for flotation practice
TT Chau, WJ Bruckard, PTL Koh, AV Nguyen
Advances in colloid and interface science 150 (2), 106-115, 2009
Nanobubbles and the nanobubble bridging capillary force
MA Hampton, AV Nguyen
Advances in colloid and interface science 154 (1-2), 30-55, 2010
A critical review of the growth, drainage and collapse of foams
J Wang, AV Nguyen, S Farrokhpay
Advances in colloid and interface science 228, 55-70, 2016
A review of induction and attachment times of wetting thin films between air bubbles and particles and its relevance in the separation of particles by flotation
B Albijanic, O Ozdemir, AV Nguyen, D Bradshaw
Advances in colloid and interface science 159 (1), 1-21, 2010
Particle interactions in kaolinite suspensions and corresponding aggregate structures
V Gupta, MA Hampton, JR Stokes, AV Nguyen, JD Miller
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 359 (1), 95-103, 2011
On modelling of bubble–particle attachment probability in flotation
AV Nguyen, J Ralston, HJ Schulze
International Journal of Mineral Processing 53 (4), 225-249, 1998
Theoretical and experimental analysis of droplet evaporation on solid surfaces
TAH Nguyen, AV Nguyen, MA Hampton, ZP Xu, L Huang, V Rudolph
Chemical engineering science 69 (1), 522-529, 2012
Effect of mechanical and chemical clay removals by hydrocyclone and dispersants on coal flotation
WJ Oats, O Ozdemir, AV Nguyen
Minerals Engineering 23 (5), 413-419, 2010
Particle–bubble interaction and attachment in flotation
DI Verrelli, PTL Koh, AV Nguyen
Chemical Engineering Science 66 (23), 5910-5921, 2011
Elementary steps in particle—bubble attachment
AV Nguyen, HJ Schulze, J Ralston
International Journal of Mineral Processing 51 (1-4), 183-195, 1997
A quantitative review of the transition salt concentration for inhibiting bubble coalescence
M Firouzi, T Howes, AV Nguyen
Advances in colloid and interface science 222, 305-318, 2015
A review of the mechanisms and models of bubble-particle detachment in froth flotation
G Wang, AV Nguyen, S Mitra, JB Joshi, GJ Jameson, GM Evans
Separation and Purification Technology 170, 155-172, 2016
Adsorption and surface tension analysis of concentrated alkali halide brine solutions
O Ozdemir, SI Karakashev, AV Nguyen, JD Miller
Minerals Engineering 22 (3), 263-271, 2009
Characterisation of sphalerite and pyrite surfaces activated by copper sulphate
M Ejtemaei, AV Nguyen
Minerals engineering 100, 223-232, 2017
Hydrophobic effect on gas hydrate formation in the presence of additives
NN Nguyen, AV Nguyen
Energy & Fuels 31 (10), 10311-10323, 2017
Foam drainage
PM Kruglyakov, SI Karakashev, AV Nguyen, NG Vilkova
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 13 (3), 163-170, 2008
Liquid drainage in single Plateau borders of foam
AV Nguyen
Journal of colloid and interface science 249 (1), 194-199, 2002
Evaporation of nanoparticle droplets on smooth hydrophobic surfaces: the inner coffee ring deposits
TAH Nguyen, MA Hampton, AV Nguyen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (9), 4707-4716, 2013
Investigations of bubble–particle interactions
CM Phan, AV Nguyen, JD Miller, GM Evans, GJ Jameson
International Journal of Mineral Processing 72 (1-4), 239-254, 2003
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Articles 1–20