David A Griffith
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The effect of cultural distance on entry mode choice, international diversification, and MNE performance: A meta-analysis
L Tihanyi, DA Griffith, CJ Russell
Journal of International Business Studies 36 (3), 270-283, 2005
Social exchange in supply chain relationships: The resulting benefits of procedural and distributive justice
DA Griffith, MG Harvey, RF Lusch
Journal of Operations Management 24 (2), 85-98, 2006
An assessment of the measurement of performance in international business research
GTM Hult, DJ Ketchen, DA Griffith, BR Chabowski, MK Hamman, ...
Journal of international business studies 39, 1064-1080, 2008
An examination of exploration and exploitation capabilities: Implications for product innovation and market performance
G Yalcinkaya, RJ Calantone, DA Griffith
Journal of International Marketing 15 (4), 63-93, 2007
A resource perspective of global dynamic capabilities
DA Griffith, MG Harvey
Journal of international business studies 32, 597-606, 2001
Emerging themes in international business research
DA Griffith, S Tamer Cavusgil, S Xu
Journal of international business studies 39, 1220-1235, 2008
An emerging model of Web site design for marketing
JW Palmer, DA Griffith
Communications of the ACM 41 (3), 44-51, 1998
The role of past performance in export ventures: a short-term reactive approach
LF Lages, SD Jap, DA Griffith
Journal of International Business Studies 39 (2), 304-325, 2008
Drivers of local merchant loyalty: Understanding the influence of gender and shopping motives
SM Noble, DA Griffith, MT Adjei
Journal of retailing 82 (3), 177-188, 2006
Data equivalence in cross-cultural international business research: assessment and guidelines
GTM Hult, DJ Ketchen, DA Griffith, CA Finnegan, T Gonzalez-Padron, ...
Journal of International Business Studies 39, 1027-1044, 2008
An empirical examination of factors influencing the internationalization of service firms
RRG Javalgi, DA Griffith, DS White
Journal of services marketing 17 (2), 185-201, 2003
Consumer derived utilitarian value and channel utilization in a multi-channel retail context
SM Noble, DA Griffith, MG Weinberger
Journal of Business Research 58 (12), 1643-1651, 2005
The influence of competitive intensity and market dynamism on knowledge management capabilities of multinational corporation subsidiaries
AS Cui, DA Griffith, ST Cavusgil
Journal of International Marketing 13 (3), 32-53, 2005
Maximizing the human capital equation in logistics: education, experience, and skills
MB Myers, DA Griffith, PJ Daugherty, RF Lusch
Journal of business logistics 25 (1), 211-232, 2004
Lock-in situations in supply chains: A social exchange theoretic study of sourcing arrangements in buyer–supplier relationships
R Narasimhan, A Nair, DA Griffith, JS Arlbjørn, E Bendoly
Journal of Operations Management 27 (5), 374-389, 2009
The performance implications of strategic fit of relational norm governance strategies in global supply chain relationships
DA Griffith, MB Myers
Journal of International Business Studies 36 (3), 254-269, 2005
Standardization/adaptation of international marketing strategy: Necessary conditions for the advancement of knowledge
JK Ryans, DA Griffith, DS White
International Marketing Review 20 (6), 588-603, 2003
The role of interface in electronic commerce: Consumer involvement with print versus on-line catalogs
DA Griffith, RF Krampf, JW Palmer
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 5 (4), 135-153, 2001
Process standardization across intra-and inter-cultural relationships
DA Griffith, MY Hu, JK Ryans
Journal of International Business Studies 31, 303-324, 2000
The performance implications of entrepreneurial proclivity: A dynamic capabilties approach
DA Griffith, SM Noble, Q Chen
Journal of Retailing 82 (1), 51-62, 2006
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