Jenny M Lewis
Jenny M Lewis
Professor of Public Policy, University of Melbourne
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Cited by
Bureaucracy, network, or enterprise? Comparing models of governance in Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, and New Zealand
M Considine, JM Lewis
Public administration review 63 (2), 131-140, 2003
The rise of public sector innovation labs: experiments in design thinking for policy
M McGann, E Blomkamp, JM Lewis
Policy Sciences 51 (3), 249-267, 2018
Governance at ground level: The frontline bureaucrat in the age of markets and networks
M Considine, JM Lewis
Public Administration Review 59 (6), 467-480, 1999
Academic Governance: Disciplines and Policy (paperback edition)
JM Lewis
Routledge, 2015
How innovation drivers, networking and leadership shape public sector innovation capacity
JM Lewis, LM Ricard, EH Klijn
International Review of Administrative Sciences 84 (2), 288-307, 2018
Networks, innovation and public policy: Politicians, bureaucrats and the pathways to change inside government
M Considine, JM Lewis, D Alexander
When design meets power: Design thinking, public sector innovation and the politics of policymaking
JM Lewis, M McGann, E Blomkamp
Policy & Politics 48 (1), 111-130, 2020
Being around and knowing the players: networks of influence in health policy
JM Lewis
Social science & medicine 62 (9), 2125-2136, 2006
The how and why of academic collaboration: Disciplinary differences and policy implications
JM Lewis, S Ross, T Holden
Higher education 64, 693-708, 2012
The future of network governance research: Strength in diversity and synthesis
JM Lewis
Public administration 89 (4), 1221-1234, 2011
Statistical network analysis for analyzing policy networks
G Robins, JM Lewis, P Wang
Policy Studies Journal 40 (3), 375-401, 2012
Quasi-markets and service delivery flexibility following a decade of employment assistance reform in Australia
M Considine, JM Lewis, S O'SULLIVAN
Journal of Social Policy 40 (4), 811-833, 2011
Assessing public leadership styles for innovation: A comparison of Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Barcelona
LM Ricard, EH Klijn, JM Lewis, T Ysa
Public Management Review (print), 2016
The politics and consequences of performance measurement
J M. Lewis
Policy and Society 34 (1), 1-12, 2015
Improving public policy and administration: exploring the potential of design
A van Buuren, JM Lewis, BG Peters, W Voorberg
Policy & Politics 48 (1), 3-20, 2020
Health policy and politics: networks, ideas and power
JM Lewis
IP Communications, 2005
Innovation and innovators inside government: From institutions to networks
M Considine, JM Lewis
Governance 20 (4), 581-607, 2007
Getting welfare to work: Street-level governance in Australia, the UK, and the Netherlands
M Considine, JM Lewis, S O'Sullivan, E Sol
OUP Oxford, 2015
Partnerships in primary care in Australia: Network structure, dynamics and sustainability
JM Lewis, JI Baeza, D Alexander
Social science & medicine 67 (2), 280-291, 2008
Procedural policy tools in theory and practice
AS Bali, M Howlett, JM Lewis, M Ramesh
Policy and Society 40 (3), 295-311, 2021
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Articles 1–20