Sustainable design of a closed-loop location-routing-inventory supply chain network under mixed uncertainty M Zhalechian, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, B Zahiri, M Mohammadi Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 89, 182-214, 2016 | 453 | 2016 |
Machine learning at the service of meta-heuristics for solving combinatorial optimization problems: A state-of-the-art M Karimi-Mamaghan, M Mohammadi, P Meyer, AM Karimi-Mamaghan, ... European Journal of Operational Research 296 (2), 393-422, 2022 | 372 | 2022 |
Toward an integrated sustainable-resilient supply chain: A pharmaceutical case study B Zahiri, J Zhuang, M Mohammadi Transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review 103, 109-142, 2017 | 363 | 2017 |
Sustainable hub location under mixed uncertainty M Mohammadi, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 62, 89-115, 2014 | 186 | 2014 |
A bi-objective interval-stochastic robust optimization model for designing closed loop supply chain network with multi-priority queuing system B Vahdani, M Mohammadi International journal of production economics 170, 67-87, 2015 | 148 | 2015 |
An M/M/c queue model for hub covering location problem M Mohammadi, F Jolai, H Rostami Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 (11-12), 2623-2638, 2011 | 139 | 2011 |
A multi-stage stochastic programming approach for blood supply chain planning B Zahiri, SA Torabi, M Mohammadi, M Aghabegloo Computers & Industrial Engineering 122, 1-14, 2018 | 137 | 2018 |
Hub-and-spoke network design under operational and disruption risks M Zhalechian, SA Torabi, M Mohammadi Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 109, 20-43, 2018 | 133 | 2018 |
Solving a new stochastic multi-mode p-hub covering location problem considering risk by a novel multi-objective algorithm M Mohammadi, F Jolai, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (24), 10053-10073, 2013 | 127 | 2013 |
Multi-objective design of an organ transplant network under uncertainty B Zahiri, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, M Mohammadi, P Jula Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 72, 101-124, 2014 | 124 | 2014 |
Reliable single-allocation hub location problem with disruptions M Mohammadi, P Jula, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 123, 90-120, 2019 | 108 | 2019 |
Design of a reliable multi-modal multi-commodity model for hazardous materials transportation under uncertainty M Mohammadi, P Jula, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam European Journal of Operational Research 257 (3), 792-809, 2017 | 100 | 2017 |
Multi-objective hub network design under uncertainty considering congestion: An M/M/c/K queue system Y Rahimi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, M Mohammadi, M Sadeghi Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (5-6), 4179-4198, 2016 | 82 | 2016 |
Robot selection by a multiple criteria complex proportional assessment method under an interval-valued fuzzy environment B Vahdani, SM Mousavi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, A Ghodratnama, ... The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 73, 687-697, 2014 | 82 | 2014 |
Design of a bi-objective reliable healthcare network with finite capacity queue under service covering uncertainty M Mohammadi, S Dehbari, B Vahdani Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 72, 15-41, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
Learning to select operators in meta-heuristics: An integration of Q-learning into the iterated greedy algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem M Karimi-Mamaghan, M Mohammadi, B Pasdeloup, P Meyer European Journal of Operational Research 304 (3), 1296-1330, 2023 | 79 | 2023 |
A game-based meta-heuristic for a fuzzy bi-objective reliable hub location problem M Mohammadi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, A Siadat, Y Rahimi Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 50, 1-19, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Design of a reliable logistics network with hub disruption under uncertainty M Mohammadi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, A Siadat, JY Dantan Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (9-10), 5621-5642, 2016 | 72 | 2016 |
A review on optimisation of part quality inspection planning in a multi-stage manufacturing system M Rezaei-Malek, M Mohammadi, JY Dantan, A Siadat, ... International Journal of Production Research 57 (15-16), 4880-4897, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
A multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm for a capacitated hub covering location problem M Mohammadi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R Rostami International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 2 (3), 671-688, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |