Dr Karen Kozielski
Dr Karen Kozielski
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Hydrate formation in gas-dominant systems using a single-pass flowloop
M Di Lorenzo, ZM Aman, G Sanchez Soto, M Johns, KA Kozielski, EF May
Energy & Fuels 28 (5), 3043-3052, 2014
Underinhibited hydrate formation and transport investigated using a single-pass gas-dominant flowloop
M Di Lorenzo, ZM Aman, K Kozielski, BWE Norris, ML Johns, EF May
Energy & Fuels 28 (11), 7274-7284, 2014
Hydrate formation and deposition in a gas-dominant flowloop: Initial studies of the effect of velocity and subcooling
ZM Aman, M Di Lorenzo, K Kozielski, CA Koh, P Warrier, ML Johns, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35, 1490-1498, 2016
Quantitative kinetic inhibitor comparisons and memory effect measurements from hydrate formation probability distributions
EF May, R Wu, MA Kelland, ZM Aman, KA Kozielski, PG Hartley, N Maeda
Chemical Engineering Science 107, 1-12, 2014
Toughening of a carbon fibre reinforced epoxy anhydride composite using an epoxy terminated hyperbranched modifier
M DeCarli, K Kozielski, W Tian, R Varley
Composites Science and Technology 65 (14), 2156-2166, 2005
Modelling hydrate deposition and sloughing in gas-dominant pipelines
M Di Lorenzo, ZM Aman, K Kozielski, BWE Norris, ML Johns, EF May
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 117, 81-90, 2018
Statistical analysis of supercooling in fuel gas hydrate systems
N Maeda, D Wells, PG Hartley, KA Kozielski
Energy & fuels 26 (3), 1820-1827, 2012
Development of a high pressure automated lag time apparatus for experimental studies and statistical analyses of nucleation and growth of gas hydrates
N Maeda, D Wells, NC Becker, PG Hartley, PW Wilson, ADJ Haymet, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (6), 2011
Synthesis of effective kinetic inhibitors for natural gas hydrates
X Lou, A Ding, N Maeda, S Wang, K Kozielski, PG Hartley
Energy & fuels 26 (2), 1037-1043, 2012
Formation of ice, tetrahydrofuran hydrate, and methane/propane mixed gas hydrates in strong monovalent salt solutions
B Sowa, XH Zhang, PG Hartley, DE Dunstan, KA Kozielski, N Maeda
Energy & fuels 28 (11), 6877-6888, 2014
Probability distributions of gas hydrate formation
R Wu, KA Kozielski, PG Hartley, EF May, J Boxall, N Maeda
AIChE Journal 59 (7), 2640-2646, 2013
Preventing gas hydrate agglomeration with polymer hydrogels
Y Seo, K Shin, H Kim, CD Wood, W Tian, KA Kozielski
Energy & Fuels 28 (7), 4409-4420, 2014
Methane–propane mixed gas hydrate film growth on the surface of water and Luvicap EG solutions
R Wu, KA Kozielski, PG Hartley, EF May, J Boxall, N Maeda
Energy & fuels 27 (5), 2548-2554, 2013
Effect of kinetic hydrate inhibitor polyvinylcaprolactam on cyclopentane hydrate cohesion forces and growth
R Wu, ZM Aman, EF May, KA Kozielski, PG Hartley, N Maeda, AK Sum
Energy & fuels 28 (6), 3632-3637, 2014
Kinetics of sII and mixed sI/sII, gas hydrate growth for a methane/propane mixture using neutron diffraction
A Klapproth, RO Piltz, SJ Kennedy, KA Kozielski
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (5), 2703-2715, 2019
Overwrap composite repairs of offshore risers at topside and splash zone
AYL Leong, KH Leong, YC Tan, PFM Liew, CD Wood, W Tian, ...
Proc. Int. Comm. Compos. Mater.(ICCM-18), Jeju Island, Korea Int. Comm …, 2011
Charge recombination luminescence from epoxy resins Part. 1. Correlation of luminescence with cure
GJ Sewell, NC Billingham, KA Kozielski, GA George
Polymer 41 (6), 2113-2120, 2000
Kinetic studies by FT-NIR of the curing reactions of two glycidyl
KA Kozielskif, GA Georgef, NA St John, NC Billingham
High Perform. Polym 6, 263-286, 1994
Nucleation probability distributions of methane–propane mixed gas hydrates in salt solutions and urea
B Sowa, XH Zhang, KA Kozielski, PG Hartley, DE Dunstan, N Maeda
Energy & Fuels 29 (10), 6259-6270, 2015
Influence of dissolved atmospheric gases on the spontaneous emulsification of alkane− ethanol− water systems
B Sowa, XH Zhang, K Kozielski, PG Hartley, N Maeda
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (17), 8768-8774, 2011
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Articles 1–20