Lincoln Fok
Lincoln Fok
Department of Science and Environmental Studies, the Education University of Hong Kong
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Plastic waste in the marine environment: A review of sources, occurrence and effects
WC Li, HF Tse, L Fok
Science of the total environment 566, 333-349, 2016
Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in an urban river: a case study in the Pearl River along Guangzhou City, China
L Lin, LZ Zuo, JP Peng, LQ Cai, L Fok, Y Yan, HX Li, XR Xu
Science of the total environment 644, 375-381, 2018
Characterisation of plastic microbeads in facial scrubs and their estimated emissions in Mainland China
PK Cheung, L Fok
Water research 122, 53-61, 2017
Hong Kong at the Pearl River Estuary: A hotspot of microplastic pollution
L Fok, PK Cheung
Marine pollution bulletin 99 (1-2), 112-118, 2015
Seasonal variation in the abundance of marine plastic debris in the estuary of a subtropical macro-scale drainage basin in South China
PK Cheung, LTO Cheung, L Fok
Science of the Total Environment 562, 658-665, 2016
Size distribution of stranded small plastic debris on the coast of Guangdong, South China
L Fok, PK Cheung, G Tang, WC Li
Environmental Pollution 220, 407-412, 2017
Evidence of microbeads from personal care product contaminating the sea
PK Cheung, L Fok
Marine pollution bulletin 109 (1), 582-585, 2016
Microplastic Contamination of Wild and Captive Flathead Grey Mullet (Mugil cephalus)
LTO Cheung, CY Lui, L Fok
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (4), 597, 2018
Spatio-temporal comparison of neustonic microplastic density in Hong Kong waters under the influence of the Pearl River Estuary
PK Cheung, L Fok, PL Hung, LTO Cheung
Science of the Total Environment 628, 731-739, 2018
River microplastic contamination and dynamics upon a rainfall event in Hong Kong, China
PK Cheung, PL Hung, L Fok
Environmental Processes 6, 253-264, 2019
Occurrence and composition of microplastics in the seabed sediments of the coral communities in proximity of a metropolitan area
CC Cheang, Y Ma, L Fok
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (10), 2270, 2018
A meta-analysis of methodologies adopted by microplastic studies in China
L Fok, TWL Lam, HX Li, XR Xu
Science of the Total Environment 718, 135371, 2020
Climatic change and Chinese population growth dynamics over the last millennium
HF Lee, L Fok, DD Zhang
Climatic Change 88 (2), 131-156, 2008
The effect of self-determined motivation on household energy consumption behaviour in a metropolitan area in southern China
LTO Cheung, ASY Chow, L Fok, KM Yu, KL Chou
Energy Efficiency 10, 549-561, 2017
Spatial variation of floatable plastic debris and microplastics in the Pearl River Estuary, South China
TWL Lam, L Fok, L Lin, Q Xie, HX Li, XR Xu, LC Yeung
Marine Pollution Bulletin 158, 111383, 2020
The motivations and environmental attitudes of nature-based visitors to protected areas in Hong Kong
LTO Cheung, L Fok
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 21 (1), 28-38, 2014
Impacts of land use and water quality on macroinvertebrate communities in the Pearl River drainage basin, China
Y Zhang, D Dudgeon, D Cheng, W Thoe, L Fok, Z Wang, JHW Lee
Hydrobiologia 652, 71-88, 2010
Microplastic contamination of surface water-sourced tap water in Hong Kong—a preliminary study
TWL Lam, HT Ho, ATH Ma, L Fok
Applied Sciences 10 (10), 3463, 2020
Recreational specialization and ecologically responsible behaviour of Chinese birdwatchers in Hong Kong
LTO Cheung, AYH Lo, L Fok
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25 (6), 817-831, 2017
Understanding geopark visitors' preferences and willingness to pay for global geopark management and conservation
LTO Cheung, L Fok, W Fang
Journal of Ecotourism 13 (1), 35-51, 2014
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Articles 1–20