Luke Holman
Cited by
Cited by
The extent and consequences of p-hacking in science
ML Head, L Holman, R Lanfear, AT Kahn, MD Jennions
PLoS biology 13 (3), e1002106, 2015
The gender gap in science: How long until women are equally represented?
L Holman, D Stuart-Fox, CE Hauser
PLoS biology 16 (4), e2004956, 2018
Only full-sibling families evolved eusociality
JJ Boomsma, M Beekman, CK Cornwallis, AS Griffin, L Holman, ...
Nature 471 (7339), E4-E5, 2011
Conserved class of queen pheromones stops social insect workers from reproducing
A Van Oystaeyen, RC Oliveira, L Holman, JS van Zweden, C Romero, ...
Science 343 (6168), 287-290, 2014
The ecology and evolutionary dynamics of meiotic drive
AK Lindholm, KA Dyer, RC Firman, L Fishman, W Forstmeier, L Holman, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (4), 315-326, 2016
Evidence of experimental bias in the life sciences: why we need blind data recording
L Holman, ML Head, R Lanfear, MD Jennions
PLoS biology 13 (7), e1002190, 2015
Identification of an ant queen pheromone regulating worker sterility
L Holman, CG Jørgensen, J Nielsen, P d'Ettorre
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1701), 3793-3800, 2010
The consequences of polyandry for population viability, extinction risk and conservation
L Holman, H Kokko
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Modulation of sexual signalling by immune challenged male mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor, L.): evidence for terminal investment and dishonesty
B Sadd, L Holman, H Armitage, F Lock, R Marland, MT Siva‐Jothy
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19 (2), 321-325, 2006
Meta-analytic evidence that sexual selection improves population fitness
JG Cally, D Stuart-Fox, L Holman
Nature communications 10 (1), 2017, 2019
Researchers collaborate with same-gendered colleagues more often than expected across the life sciences
L Holman, C Morandin
PloS one 14 (4), e0216128, 2019
A Sterile Sperm Caste Protects Brother Fertile Sperm from Female-Mediated Death in Drosophila pseudoobscura
L Holman, RR Snook
Current Biology 18 (4), 292-296, 2008
Costs and constraints conspire to produce honest signaling: insights from an ant queen pheromone
L Holman
Evolution, 2012
The evolution of queen pheromones in the ant genus Lasius
L Holman, R Lanfear, P d'Ettorre
Journal of evolutionary biology 26 (7), 1549-1558, 2013
Queen pheromones and reproductive division of labor: a meta-analysis
L Holman
Behavioral Ecology 29 (6), 1199-1209, 2018
Selfish strategies and honest signalling: reproductive conflicts in ant queen associations
L Holman, S Dreier, P d'Ettorre
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1690), 2007-2015, 2010
Sperm viability staining in ecology and evolution: potential pitfalls
L Holman
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63, 1679-1688, 2009
Evolution of social insect polyphenism facilitated by the sex differentiation cascade
A Klein, E Schultner, H Lowak, L Schrader, J Heinze, L Holman, J Oettler
PLoS genetics 12 (3), e1005952, 2016
Drosophila melanogaster seminal fluid can protect the sperm of other males
L Holman
Functional Ecology 23 (1), 180-186, 2009
Spermicide, cryptic female choice and the evolution of sperm form and function
L Holman, RR Snook
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19 (5), 1660-1670, 2006
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Articles 1–20