Tamara J. Moore
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Cited by
Considerations for teaching integrated STEM education
M Stohlmann, TJ Moore, GH Roehrig
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 2 (1), 4, 2012
STEM integration: Teacher perceptions and practice
HH Wang, TJ Moore, GH Roehrig, MS Park
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 1 (2), 2, 2011
Implementation and integration of engineering in K-12 STEM education
TJ Moore, MS Stohlmann, HH Wang, KM Tank, AW Glancy, GH Roehrig
Engineering in pre-college settings: Synthesizing research, policy, and …, 2014
Is adding the E enough? Investigating the impact of K‐12 engineering standards on the implementation of STEM integration
GH Roehrig, TJ Moore, HH Wang, MS Park
School science and mathematics 112 (1), 31-44, 2012
A framework for quality K-12 engineering education: Research and development
TJ Moore, AW Glancy, KM Tank, JA Kersten, KA Smith, MS Stohlmann
Journal of pre-college engineering education research (J-PEER) 4 (1), 2, 2014
Advancing the state of the art of STEM integration
TJ Moore, KA Smith
Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 15 (1), 5, 2014
Integrated STEM education
TJ Moore, LA Bryan, CC Johnson, GH Roehrig
STEM Road Map 2.0, 25-42, 2021
Building up STEM: An analysis of teacher-developed engineering design-based STEM integration curricular materials
SS Guzey, TJ Moore, M Harwell
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 6 (1), 2, 2016
Development of an instrument to assess attitudes toward science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
SS Guzey, M Harwell, T Moore
School Science and Mathematics 114 (6), 271-279, 2014
NGSS and the landscape of engineering in K‐12 state science standards
TJ Moore, KM Tank, AW Glancy, JA Kersten
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 52 (3), 296-318, 2015
STEM integration in middle school life science: Student learning and attitudes
SS Guzey, TJ Moore, M Harwell, M Moreno
Journal of Science Education and Technology 25, 550-560, 2016
A high‐quality professional development for teachers of grades 3–6 for implementing engineering into classrooms
SS Guzey, K Tank, HH Wang, G Roehrig, T Moore
School science and mathematics 114 (3), 139-149, 2014
STEM Road Map 2.0
CC Johnson, TJ Moore, EE Peters-Burton
Routledge, 2021
Modeling in engineering: The role of representational fluency in students' conceptual understanding
TJ Moore, RL Miller, RA Lesh, MS Stohlmann, YR Kim
Journal of Engineering Education 102 (1), 141-178, 2013
A framework for posing open-ended engineering problems: Model-eliciting activities
HA Diefes-Dux, T Moore, J Zawojewski, PK Imbrie, D Follman
34th Annual Frontiers in Education, 2004. FIE 2004., F1A-3, 2004
The impact of design-based STEM integration curricula on student achievement in engineering, science, and mathematics
S Selcen Guzey, M Harwell, M Moreno, Y Peralta, TJ Moore
Journal of Science Education and Technology 26, 207-222, 2017
STEM integration: A synthesis of conceptual frameworks and definitions
TJ Moore, AC Johnston, AW Glancy
Handbook of research on STEM education, 3-16, 2020
The need for a STEM road map
TJ Moore, CC Johnson, EE Peters-Burton, SS Guzey
STEM road map, 3-12, 2015
Handbook of Research on STEM Education
CC Johnson
Routledge, 2020
Impressions of a middle grades STEM integration program: Educators share lessons learned from the implementation of a middle grades STEM curriculum model
M Stohlmann, TJ Moore, J McClelland, GH Roehrig
Middle School Journal 43 (1), 32-40, 2011
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Articles 1–20