Sayad Haghighi, PhD, SMIEEE
Sayad Haghighi, PhD, SMIEEE
Associate Professor
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Cited by
Artificial intelligence for detection, estimation, and compensation of malicious attacks in nonlinear cyber-physical systems and industrial IoT
F Farivar, MS Haghighi, A Jolfaei, M Alazab
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 16 (4), 2716-2725, 2019
Anomaly detection in automated vehicles using multistage attention-based convolutional neural network
AR Javed, M Usman, SU Rehman, MU Khan, MS Haghighi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (7), 4291-4300, 2020
A sword with two edges: Propagation studies on both positive and negative information in online social networks
S Wen, MS Haghighi, C Chen, Y Xiang, W Zhou, W Jia
IEEE Transactions on Computers 64 (3), 640-653, 2014
A novel identity-based key establishment method for advanced metering infrastructure in smart grid
A Mohammadali, MS Haghighi, MH Tadayon, A Mohammadi-Nodooshan
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (4), 2834-2842, 2016
A privacy-preserving homomorphic scheme with multiple dimensions and fault tolerance for metering data aggregation in smart grid
A Mohammadali, MS Haghighi
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (6), 5212-5220, 2021
On the race of worms and patches: Modeling the spread of information in wireless sensor networks
MS Haghighi, S Wen, Y Xiang, B Quinn, W Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11 (12), 2854-2865, 2016
Discriminative-Aware Trust Management for Social Internet of Things
B Jafarian, N Yazdani, M Sayad Haghighi
Computer Networks, 2020
Detection of anomalies in industrial iot systems by data mining: Study of christ osmotron water purification system
MSS Garmaroodi, F Farivar, MS Haghighi, MA Shoorehdeli, A Jolfaei
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (13), 10280-10287, 2020
Highly anonymous mobility-tolerant location-based onion routing for VANETs
MS Haghighi, Z Aziminejad
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (4), 2582-2590, 2019
On the security of networked control systems in smart vehicle and its adaptive cruise control
F Farivar, MS Haghighi, A Jolfaei, S Wen
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (6), 3824-3831, 2021
A machine-learning-based approach to build zero-false-positive IPSs for industrial IoT and CPS with a case study on power grids security
MS Haghighi, F Farivar, A Jolfaei
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 60 (1), 920-928, 2020
A Conceptual Trust Model for the Internet of Things Interactions
A Arabsorkhi, MS Haghighi, R Ghorbanloo
International Symposium on Telecommunications, 2016
Cyber attacks via consumer electronics: Studying the threat of covert malware in smart and autonomous vehicles
MS Haghighi, F Farivar, A Jolfaei, AB Asl, W Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2023
A secure and decentralized trust management scheme for smart health systems
M Ebrahimi, MS Haghighi, A Jolfaei, N Shamaeian, MH Tadayon
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (5), 1961-1968, 2021
Covert attacks through adversarial learning: Study of lane keeping attacks on the safety of autonomous vehicles
F Farivar, MS Haghighi, A Jolfaei, S Wen
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 26 (3), 1350-1357, 2021
Energy-efficient drone trajectory planning for the localization of 6G-enabled IoT devices
S Kouroshnezhad, A Peiravi, MS Haghighi, A Jolfaei
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (7), 5202-5210, 2020
Legal framework for health cloud: A systematic review
Z Zandesh, M Ghazisaeedi, MV Devarakonda, MS Haghighi
International journal of medical informatics 132, 103953, 2019
Intelligent robust control for cyber-physical systems of rotary gantry type under denial of service attack
M Sayad Haghighi, F Farivar, A Jolfaei, MH Tadayon
The Journal of Supercomputing 76 (4), 3063-3085, 2020
Evaluating upgradable smart contract
VC Bui, S Wen, J Yu, X Xia, MS Haghighi, Y Xiang
2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 252-256, 2021
Adaptation of LEACH routing protocol to cognitive radio sensor networks
N Panahi, HO Rohi, A Payandeh, MS Haghighi
6th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), 541-547, 2012
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Articles 1–20