Rahul Vivek Rane
Rahul Vivek Rane
CSIRO; Macquarie University
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Genomic innovations, transcriptional plasticity and gene loss underlying the evolution and divergence of two highly polyphagous and invasive Helicoverpa pest …
SL Pearce, DF Clarke, PD East, S Elfekih, KHJ Gordon, LS Jermiin, ...
BMC biology 15, 1-30, 2017
A framework for incorporating evolutionary genomics into biodiversity conservation and management
A Hoffmann, P Griffin, S Dillon, R Catullo, R Rane, M Byrne, R Jordan, ...
Climate Change Responses 2, 1-24, 2015
Adaptive Introgression across Semipermeable Species Boundaries between Local Helicoverpa zea and Invasive Helicoverpa armigera Moths
WA Valencia-Montoya, S Elfekih, HL North, JI Meier, IA Warren, WT Tay, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 37 (9), 2568-2583, 2020
Detoxifying enzyme complements and host use phenotypes in 160 insect species
RV Rane, AB Ghodke, AA Hoffmann, OR Edwards, TK Walsh, ...
Current opinion in insect science 31, 131-138, 2019
Are feeding preferences and insecticide resistance associated with the size of detoxifying enzyme families in insect herbivores?
RV Rane, TK Walsh, SL Pearce, LS Jermiin, KHJ Gordon, S Richards, ...
Current opinion in insect science 13, 70-76, 2016
Divergent evolutionary trajectories following speciation in two ectoparasitic honey bee mites
MA Techer, RV Rane, ML Grau, JMK Roberts, ST Sullivan, I Liachko, ...
Communications Biology 2 (1), 357, 2019
Global population genomic signature of Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) supports complex introduction events across the Old World
WT Tay, RV Rane, A Padovan, TK Walsh, S Elfekih, S Downes, K Nam, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 297, 2022
Genomic evidence for role of inversion 3RP of Drosophila melanogaster in facilitating climate change adaptation
RV Rane, L Rako, M Kapun, SF Lee, AA Hoffmann
Molecular ecology 24 (10), 2423-2432, 2015
Complex multiple introductions drive fall armyworm invasions into Asia and Australia
R Rane, TK Walsh, P Lenancker, A Gock, TH Dao, VL Nguyen, TN Khin, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 660, 2023
Phylogenomic analyses of the genus Drosophila reveals genomic signals of climate adaptation
F Li, RV Rane, V Luria, Z Xiong, J Chen, Z Li, RA Catullo, PC Griffin, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (4), 1559-1581, 2022
Genomic changes associated with adaptation to arid environments in cactophilic Drosophila species
RV Rane, SL Pearce, F Li, C Coppin, M Schiffer, J Shirriffs, CM Sgrò, ...
BMC genomics 20, 1-22, 2019
The spread of resistance to imidacloprid is restricted by thermotolerance in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster
A Fournier-Level, RT Good, SA Wilcox, RV Rane, M Schiffer, W Chen, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (4), 647-656, 2019
Polymorphism in the neurofibromin gene, Nf1, is associated with antagonistic selection on wing size and development time in Drosophila melanogaster
SF Lee, YC Eyre‐Walker, RV Rane, C Reuter, G Vinti, L Rako, L Partridge, ...
Molecular ecology 22 (10), 2716-2725, 2013
Detoxification Genes Differ Between Cactus-, Fruit-, and Flower-Feeding Drosophila
RV Rane, DF Clarke, SL Pearce, G Zhang, AA Hoffmann, JG Oakeshott
Journal of Heredity 110 (1), 80-91, 2019
Advantages of the combination of conscious sedation epidural anesthesia under fluoroscopy guidance in lumbar spine surgery
SY Kang, ON Kashlan, R Singh, R Rane, NM Adsul, SC Jung, J Yi, ...
Journal of pain research, 211-219, 2020
A proline repeat polymorphism of the Frost gene of Drosophila melanogaster showing clinal variation but not associated with cold resistance
AA Hoffmann, MJ Blacket, SW McKechnie, L Rako, M Schiffer, RV Rane, ...
Insect molecular biology 21 (4), 437-445, 2012
Resistance Bioassays and Allele Characterization Inform Analysis of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Introduction Pathways in Asia and Australia
WT Tay, RV Rane, W James, KHJ Gordon, S Downes, J Kim, L Kuniata, ...
Journal of economic entomology 115 (6), 1790-1805, 2022
Orthonome–a new pipeline for predicting high quality orthologue gene sets applicable to complete and draft genomes
RV Rane, JG Oakeshott, T Nguyen, AA Hoffmann, SF Lee
BMC genomics 18, 1-9, 2017
Rounding up the annual ryegrass genome: High-quality reference genome of Lolium rigidum
J Paril, G Pandey, EM Barnett, RV Rane, L Court, T Walsh, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 13, 1012694, 2022
Whole genome sequencing of global Spodoptera frugiperda populations: evidence for complex, multiple introductions across the Old World
WT Tay, R Rane, A Padovan, T Walsh, S Elfekih, S Downes, K Nam, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.06. 12.147660, 2020
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Articles 1–20