Max Edworthy
Max Edworthy
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The trajectory of dispersal research in conservation biology. Systematic review
DA Driscoll, SC Banks, PS Barton, K Ikin, P Lentini, DB Lindenmayer, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e95053, 2014
Woodpeckers increase in abundance but maintain fecundity in response to an outbreak of mountain pine bark beetles
AB Edworthy, MC Drever, K Martin
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (2), 203-210, 2011
Survival analysis of a critical resource for cavity‐nesting communities: patterns of tree cavity longevity
AB Edworthy, KL Wiebe, K Martin
Ecological Applications 22 (6), 1733-1742, 2012
Persistence of tree cavities used by cavity‐nesting vertebrates declines in harvested forests
AB Edworthy, K Martin
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (4), 770-776, 2013
Long-term dynamics of the characteristics of tree cavities used for nesting by vertebrates
AB Edworthy, K Martin
Forest ecology and management 334, 122-128, 2014
Tree cavity occupancy by nesting vertebrates across cavity age
AB Edworthy, MK Trzcinski, KL Cockle, KL Wiebe, K Martin
The Journal of Wildlife Management 82 (3), 639-648, 2018
Agricultural intensification heightens food safety risks posed by wild birds
OM Smith, A Edworthy, JM Taylor, MS Jones, A Tormanen, CM Kennedy, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (11), 2246-2257, 2020
Native fly parasites are the principal cause of nestling mortality in endangered Tasmanian pardalotes
AB Edworthy, NE Langmore, R Heinsohn
Animal Conservation 22 (1), 96-103, 2019
Dispersal, home-range size, and habitat use of an endangered land snail, the Oregon forestsnail (Allogona townsendiana)
AB Edworthy, KMM Steensma, HM Zandberg, PL Lilley
Canadian Journal of Zoology 90 (7), 875-884, 2012
Woodpeckers and other excavators maintain the diversity of cavity‐nesting vertebrates
MK Trzcinski, KL Cockle, AR Norris, M Edworthy, KL Wiebe, K Martin
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (6), 1251-1265, 2022
Lifetime productivity of tree cavities used by cavity‐nesting animals in temperate and subtropical forests
KL Cockle, MK Trzcinski, KL Wiebe, AB Edworthy, K Martin
Ecological Applications 29 (5), e01916, 2019
Competition and aggression for nest cavities between Striated Pardalotes and endangered Forty-spotted Pardalotes
AB Edworthy
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 118 (1), 1-11, 2016
Gaps and runs in nest cavity occupancy: cavity “destroyers” and “cleaners” affect reuse by secondary cavity nesting vertebrates
KL Wiebe, KL Cockle, MK Trzcinski, AB Edworthy, K Martin
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 205, 2020
A trait‐based framework for predicting foodborne pathogen risk from wild birds
OM Smith, EM Olimpi, N Navarro‐Gonzalez, KA Cornell, LO Frishkoff, ...
Ecological Applications 32 (2), e2523, 2022
Using conservation genetics to prioritise management options for an endangered songbird
F Alves, SC Banks, M Edworthy, D Stojanovic, NE Langmore, R Heinsohn
Heredity 130 (5), 289-301, 2023
Landscape context mediates the physiological stress response of birds to farmland diversification
CE Latimer, OM Smith, JM Taylor, AB Edworthy, JP Owen, WE Snyder, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (4), 671-680, 2020
Avian hosts, prevalence and larval life history of the ectoparasitic fly Passeromyia longicornis (Diptera: Muscidae) in south-eastern Tasmania
AB Edworthy
Australian Journal of Zoology 64 (2), 100-106, 2016
First report of ‘mining’as a feeding behaviour among Australian manna‐feeding birds
SB Case, AB Edworthy
Ibis 158 (2), 407-415, 2016
Efficacy of bird deterrent devices in agricultural areas of the Fraser Valley of British Columbia: a pilot study
KMM Steensma, A Edworthy, K Hartline, D Wong, B Kern, A Gardner
Trinity Western University, Langley, 2009
Ecology and conservation of the endangered forty-spotted pardalote
AB Edworthy
PQDT-Global, 2017
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Articles 1–20