Stefan Gelfgren
Stefan Gelfgren
Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Umeå University
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Cited by
Cited by
Digital religion, social media and culture: perspectives, practices, and futures
PH Cheong, P Fischer-Nielsen, S Gelfgren, C Ess
Digital formations 7800, 2012
Social media and disability advocacy organizations: caught between hopes and realities
S Gelfgren, J Ineland, C Cocq
Disability & Society 37 (7), 1085-1106, 2022
The virtual construction of the sacred–representation and fantasy in the architecture of second life churches
S Gelfgren, T Hutchings
Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 27 (1), 59-73, 2017
Beyond humanities qua digital: Spatial and material development for digital research infrastructures in HumlabX
A Foka, A Misharina, V Arvidsson, S Gelfgren
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 33 (2), 264-278, 2018
Ett utvalt släkte: väckelse och sekularisering-Evangeliska fosterlands-stiftelsen 1856-1910
S Gelfgren
Artos & Norma bokförlag, 2003
Religionspädagogik in einer mediatisierten Welt
J Burkhardt, S Gelfgren, T Girmalm, K Huizing, I Jahnke, T Larsson, ...
Kohlhammer Verlag, 2017
Negotiating authority: Disability, interactions and power relations on twitter
J Ineland, S Gelfgren, C Cocq
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 21 (1), 238-249, 2019
Why does the archbishop not tweet?
S Gelfgren
Nordicom Review 36 (1), 109-123, 2015
Svenska kyrkan online: Att ställa om, ställa in eller fortsätta som vanligt under coronapandemin
S Fransson, S Gelfgren, P Jonsson
Svenska kyrkan, 2021
" Let there be digital networks and God will provide growth?": Comparing aims and hopes of 19th century and post millennial Christianity
S Gelfgren
Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2012
Online surveillance in a Swedish context: Between acceptance and resistance
C Cocq, S Gelfgren, L Samuelsson, J Enbom
Nordicom Review 41 (2), 179-193, 2020
Mapping socio-ecological landscapes: geovisualization as method
F Anna, C Coppélie, G Stefan
Routledge international handbook of research methods in digital humanities …, 2020
Virtual Christian Places. Between Innovation and Tradition
S Gelfgren
Online-Heidelberg journal of religions on the internet 6, 2014
Digital Religion
PH Cheong, P Fischer-Nielsen, S Gelfgren, C Ess
Social Media and Culture: Perspectives, Practices and Futures, New York: Lang, 2012
Digital Church and Media–in a historical and contemporary context
S Gelfgren
Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology 6 (1), 63-72, 2012
Religion, Pädagogik und Social Media
S Gelfgren
W. Kohlhammer GmbH, 2017
Charles Ess, eds. 2012
PH Cheong, P Fischer-Nielsen, S Gelfgren
Digital Religion, Social Media and Culture: Perspectives, Practices and Futures, 0
“If you need a virtual community, something is wrong with your congregation”: Institutionalized Laestadianism and the use of digital media
S Gelfgren
Journal of religion, media and digital culture 5 (2), 279-296, 2016
Reading Twitter: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in the Interpretation of Twitter Material
S Gelfgren, G Griffin
Research Methods for Reading Digital Data in the Digital Humanities, 93-100, 2016
Virtual churches, participatory culture, and secularization
S Gelfgren
Journal of Technology, Theology, and Religion 2 (1), 1-30, 2011
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Articles 1–20