Natalie Ann Hendry
Natalie Ann Hendry
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne
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A Snapshot of Social Media: Camera Phone Practices
L Hjorth, N Hendry
Social Media+ Society 1 (1), 2056305115580478, 2015
Health education, social media, and tensions of authenticity in the influencer pedagogy’ of health influencer Ashy Bines
NA Hendry, C Hartung, R Welch
Learning, media and technology 47 (4), 427-439, 2022
Teachers of TikTok: Glimpses and gestures in the performance of professional identity
C Hartung, N Ann Hendry, K Albury, S Johnston, R Welch
Media International Australia 186 (1), 81-96, 2023
K Tiidenberg, NA Hendry, C Abidin
Polity, 2021
Young Women’s Mental Illness and (In-) visible Social Media Practices of Control and Emotional Recognition
NA Hendry
Social Media+ Society 6 (4), 2056305120963832, 2020
Investigating combination HIV prevention: isolated interventions or complex system.
G Brown, D Reeders, GW Dowsett, J Ellard, M Carman, N Hendry, ...
Journal of the International AIDS Society 18 (1), 20499-20499, 2014
Creative arts workers during the Covid-19 pandemic: Social imaginaries in lockdown
J Flore, NA Hendry, A Gaylor
Journal of Sociology 59 (1), 197-214, 2023
Higher Degree Students (HDR) during COVID-19: Disrupted routines, uncertain futures, and active strategies of resilience and belonging
C Gomes, NA Hendry, R De Souza, L Hjorth, I Richardson, D Harris, ...
Journal of International Students 11 (S2), 19-37, 2021
Beyond Social Media Panics for ‘At Risk’ Youth in Mental Health Practice
NA Hendry, B Robards, S Stanford
Beyond the Risk Paradigm in Mental Health Policy and Practice, 135-154, 2017
Social Media Bodies: Revealing the Entanglement of Sexual Well-being, Mental Health, and Social Media in Education
NA Hendry
The Palgrave Handbook of Sexuality Education, 509-526, 2017
Association between sexually transmissible infection testing, numbers of partners and talking to partners and friends about sexual health: survey of young adults
NA Hendry, G Brown, GW Dowsett, M Carman
Sexual Health, 2017
Untangling the conflation of ‘young adults’ and ‘young people’in STI and sexual health policy and sex education
NA Hendry, G Brown, M Carman, J Ellard, J Wallace, GW Dowsett
Sex education 18 (5), 527-540, 2018
Selfies as pedagogy: Young people x mental illness x social media
N Hendry
How the ‘selfie’ performs across time and place, 2014
New Ways of Seeing: Tumblr, Young People, and Mental Illness
N Hendry
A Tumblr Book, 315-325, 2020
Information, influence, ritual, participation: Defining digital sexual health
K Albury, N Hendry
Journal of Sociology 59 (3), 628-645, 2023
‘Hey lovely! Don’t miss this opportunity!’Digital temporalities of wellness culture, email marketing, and the promise of abundance
NA Hendry
Journal of Sociology 59 (3), 664-681, 2023
Navigating uncertainty: Australian young adult investors and digital finance cultures
N Hendry, B Hanckel, A Zhong
RMIT University, Western Sydney University, 2021
Content analysis of responses to The Line, an Australian primary prevention of violence against women campaign on Facebook
L Molnar, NA Hendry
Health promotion journal of Australia, 2022
Digital arts and culture in Australia: Promissory discourses and uncertain realities in pandemic times
I Holcombe-James, J Flore, NA Hendry
Media International Australia 192 (1), 115-129, 2024
“Parts of Life Will Be Damaged Forever”: Arts Workers Describe the Pandemic’s Impact on Their Mental Health’
J Flore, A Gaylor, N Hendry
The Conversation 12, 2020
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Articles 1–20