Nadeem Sarwar
Nadeem Sarwar
Senior Scientist, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad
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Phytoremediation strategies for soils contaminated with heavy metals: modifications and future perspectives
N Sarwar, M Imran, MR Shaheen, W Ishaq, A Kamran, A Matloob, ...
Chemosphere, 2017
Role of mineral nutrition in minimizing cadmium accumulation by plants
N Sarwar, Saifullah, SS Malhi, MH Zia, A Naeem, S Bibi, G Farid
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90 (6), 925-937, 2010
Zinc-cadmium interactions: impact on wheat physiology and mineral acquisition
N Sarwar, W Ishaq, G Farid, M R Shaheen, M Imran, M Geng, S Hussain
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 122, 528-536, 2015
Effectiveness of zinc application to minimize cadmium toxicity and accumulation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Saifullah, N Sarwar, S Bibi, M Ahmad, YS Ok
Environmental earth sciences 71 (4), 1663-1672, 2014
Selenium biofortification in food crops: Key mechanisms and future perspectives
N Sarwar, M Akhtar, MA Kamran, M Imran, MA Riaz, K Kamran, S Hussain
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 93, 103615, 2020
Zinc bioavailability in maize grains in response of phosphorous–zinc interaction
M Imran, A Rehim, N Sarwar, S Hussain
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179 (1), 60-66, 2016
Heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) contamination of soils, plants and waters in Madina town of Faisalabad metropolitan and preparation of GIS based maps
G Farid, N Sarwar, AA Saifullah, A Ghafoor, M Rehman
Adv Crop Sci Tech 4 (2), 693-706, 2015
Beneficial role of Azolla sp. in paddy soils and their use as bioremediators in polluted aqueous environments: implications and future perspectives
M Akhtar, N Sarwar, A Ashraf, A Ejaz, S Ali, M Rizwan
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 67 (9), 1242-1255, 2021
Zinc biofortification of cereals—role of phosphorus and other impediments in alkaline calcareous soils
M Akhtar, S Yousaf, N Sarwar, H Saddam
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2019
Silicon nutrition in plants under water-deficit conditions: overview and prospects
M Irfan, MA Maqsood, H Rehman, W Mahboob, N Sarwar, OBA Hafeez, ...
Water 15 (4), 739, 2023
Growth and Physiology of Maize (Zea mays L.) in a Nickel-Contaminated Soil and Phytoremediation Efficiency Using EDTA
MI Tipu, MY Ashraf, N Sarwar, M Akhtar, MR Shaheen, S Ali, CA Damalas
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 40, 774-786, 2021
Genome-wide association mapping for stomata and yield indices in bread wheat under water limited conditions
HGMD Ahmed, MN Iqbal, MA Iqbal, Y Zeng, A Ullah, M Iqbal, H Raza, ...
Agronomy 11 (8), 1646, 2021
Relative effectiveness of phosphorus and potassium along with compost and organic acids on maize crop grown in calcareous soil: A multivariate analysis
S Tabbasum, M Akhtar, N Sarwar, MI Tipu, W Ikram, A Ashraf, A Ejaz, ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 21, 437-449, 2021
Sustaining zinc bioavailability in wheat grown on phosphorus amended calcisol
S Yousaf, M Akhtar, N Sarwar, W Ikram, S Hussain
Journal of Cereal Science 90, 102846, 2019
Effect of electrokinetic treatment time on energy consumption and salt ions removal from clayey soils
AA Hussain, K Kamran, M Hina, M Ishaq, MY Naz, S Bashir, N Sarwar, ...
Materials Research Express 10 (5), 055505, 2023
W Mahboob, M Rizwan, M Irfan, OBA Hafeez, N Sarwar, M Akhtar, ...
Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 21 (6), 2023
Exploring the better genetic options from indigenous material to cultivate tomato under high temperature regime
A Nazir, MR Shaheen, CM Ayyub, R Hussain, N Sarwer, M Imran, ...
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 90, 339-345, 2017
Salicylic acid upsurges the heat tolerance of tomato by improving plant water relations and antioxidants activity
MFAK M.R. Shaheen, C.M. Ayyub, M.S. Yaqub, N. Sarwar, R. Yaseen, M. Imran, M ...
International Journal of Biosciences 10 (6), 120-130, 2017
Exploring genotypic variations in cotton associated with growth and nitrogen use efficiency
W Mahboob, N Sarwar, O Bin Abdul Hafeez, MAR Arif, M Akhtar, G Yang
Journal of Plant Nutrition 47 (19), 3231-3250, 2024
Effectiveness of exogenously applied chelated micronutrients for biofortification of wheat
MI Tipu, M Akhtar, N Sarwar, S Hussain
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (5), 417, 2022
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Articles 1–20