Mei Gao
Mei Gao
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Plasma activation of carbon nanotubes for chemical modification
Q Chen, L Dai, M Gao, S Huang, A Mau
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105 (3), 618-622, 2001
Aligned coaxial nanowires of carbon nanotubes sheathed with conducting polymers
M Gao, S Huang, L Dai, G Wallace, R Gao, Z Wang
Angewandte Chemie 112 (20), 3810-3813, 2000
Biosensors based on aligned carbon nanotubes coated with inherently conducting polymers
M Gao, L Dai, GG Wallace
Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and …, 2003
One-step roll-to-roll air processed high efficiency perovskite solar cells
C Zuo, D Vak, D Angmo, L Ding, M Gao
Nano Energy 46, 185-192, 2018
Highly efficient binding of DNA on the sidewalls and tips of carbon nanotubes using photochemistry
MJ Moghaddam, S Taylor, M Gao, S Huang, L Dai, MJ McCall
Nano letters 4 (1), 89-93, 2004
Nanomechanics of individual carbon nanotubes from pyrolytically grown arrays
R Gao, ZL Wang, Z Bai, WA De Heer, L Dai, M Gao
Physical Review Letters 85 (3), 622, 2000
Synthesis and biological evaluation of dihydrobenzofuran lignans and related compounds as potential antitumor agents that inhibit tubulin polymerization
L Pieters, S Van Dyck, M Gao, R Bai, E Hamel, A Vlietinck, G Lemière
Journal of medicinal chemistry 42 (26), 5475-5481, 1999
Organic solar cells using a high-molecular-weight benzodithiophene-benzothiadiazole copolymer with an efficiency of 9.4%
J Subbiah, B Purushothaman, M Chen, T Qin, M Gao, D Vak, FH Scholes, ...
Adv. Mater 27 (4), 702-705, 2015
Perovskite and organic solar cells fabricated by inkjet printing: progress and prospects
X Peng, J Yuan, S Shen, M Gao, ASR Chesman, H Yin, J Cheng, Q Zhang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (41), 1703704, 2017
Tailored donor–acceptor polymers with an A–D1–A–D2 structure: controlling intermolecular interactions to enable enhanced polymer photovoltaic devices
T Qin, W Zajaczkowski, W Pisula, M Baumgarten, M Chen, M Gao, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (16), 6049-6055, 2014
Self‐assembled 2D perovskite layers for efficient printable solar cells
C Zuo, AD Scully, D Vak, W Tan, X Jiao, CR McNeill, D Angmo, L Ding, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (4), 1803258, 2019
Glucose sensors based on glucose-oxidase-containing polypyrrole/aligned carbon nanotube coaxial nanowire electrodes
GGW M. Gao, L. Dai
Synth. Met 137, 1393, 2003
Manufacturing cost and market potential analysis of demonstrated roll-to-roll perovskite photovoltaic cell processes
NL Chang, AWY Ho-Baillie, D Vak, M Gao, MA Green, RJ Egan
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 174, 314-324, 2018
Humidity‐tolerant roll‐to‐roll fabrication of perovskite solar cells via polymer‐additive‐assisted hot slot die deposition
JE Kim, SS Kim, C Zuo, M Gao, D Vak, DY Kim
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (26), 1809194, 2019
Hot slot die coating for additive-free fabrication of high performance roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cells
S Song, KT Lee, CW Koh, H Shin, M Gao, HY Woo, D Vak, JY Kim
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (11), 3248-3255, 2018
Printing-friendly sequential deposition via intra-additive approach for roll-to-roll process of perovskite solar cells
YJ Heo, JE Kim, H Weerasinghe, D Angmo, T Qin, K Sears, K Hwang, ...
Nano Energy 41, 443-451, 2017
A nontoxic bifunctional (anti) solvent as digestive‐ripening agent for high‐performance perovskite solar cells
Y Yun, F Wang, H Huang, Y Fang, S Liu, W Huang, Z Cheng, Y Liu, Y Cao, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (14), 1907123, 2020
ITO‐free flexible perovskite solar cells based on roll‐to‐roll, slot‐die coated silver nanowire electrodes
KK Sears, M Fievez, M Gao, HC Weerasinghe, CD Easton, D Vak
Solar RRL 1 (8), 1700059, 2017
High performance roll‐to‐roll produced fullerene‐free organic photovoltaic devices via temperature‐controlled slot die coating
SI Na, YH Seo, YC Nah, SS Kim, H Heo, JE Kim, N Rolston, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (6), 1805825, 2019
Crystallisation control of drop-cast quasi-2D/3D perovskite layers for efficient solar cells
C Zuo, AD Scully, WL Tan, F Zheng, KP Ghiggino, D Vak, H Weerasinghe, ...
Communications Materials 1 (1), 33, 2020
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