Fernando Perez-Cabello
Fernando Perez-Cabello
Department of Geography and Regional Planning. University of Zaragoza
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Combining NDVI and surface temperature for the estimation of live fuel moisture content in forest fire danger rating
E Chuvieco, D Cocero, D Riano, P Martin, J Martınez-Vega, J De La Riva, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 92 (3), 322-331, 2004
Assessment of radiometric correction techniques in analyzing vegetation variability and change using time series of Landsat images
SM Vicente-Serrano, F Pérez-Cabello, T Lasanta
Remote sensing of environment 112 (10), 3916-3934, 2008
Mapping lightning/human-caused wildfires occurrence under ignition point location uncertainty
G Amatulli, F Peréz-Cabello, J de la Riva
Ecological modelling 200 (3-4), 321-333, 2007
Analysis of the relationship between land surface temperature and wildfire severity in a series of Landsat images
L Vlassova, F Pérez-Cabello, MR Mimbrero, RM Llovería, A García-Martín
Remote Sensing 6 (7), 6136-6162, 2014
Assessment of methods for land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat-5 TM images applicable to multiscale tree-grass ecosystem modeling
L Vlassova, F Perez-Cabello, H Nieto, P Martín, D Riaño, J De La Riva
Remote Sensing 6 (5), 4345-4368, 2014
Assessment of the effects of biophysical and anthropogenic factors on woody plant encroachment in dense and sparse mountain grasslands based on remote sensing data
M Gartzia, CL Alados, F Perez-Cabello
Progress in Physical Geography 38 (2), 201-217, 2014
Mapping wildfire occurrence at regional scale
J De la Riva, F Pérez-Cabello, N Lana-Renault, N Koutsias
Remote sensing of environment 92 (3), 363-369, 2004
Sensitivity of X-, C-, and L-band SAR backscatter to burn severity in Mediterranean pine forests
MA Tanase, M Santoro, J de La Riva, P Fernando, T Le Toan
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48 (10), 3663-3675, 2010
Sensitivity of SAR data to post-fire forest regrowth in Mediterranean and boreal forests
M Tanase, J de la Riva, M Santoro, F Pérez-Cabello, E Kasischke
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (8), 2075-2085, 2011
Assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Sentinel-2 images in Mediterranean landscapes
I Sola, A García-Martín, L Sandonís-Pozo, J Álvarez-Mozos, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 73, 63-76, 2018
Clearing shrubland and extensive livestock farming: Active prevention to control wildfires in the Mediterranean mountains
T Lasanta, M Khorchani, F Pérez-Cabello, P Errea, R Sáenz-Blanco, ...
Journal of environmental management 227, 256-266, 2018
Epidemiología y fisiopatología de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2
F Pérez
Rev. Med. Clin, 565-71, 2009
Remote sensing techniques to assess post-fire vegetation recovery
F Pérez-Cabello, R Montorio, DB Alves
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 21, 100251, 2021
The potential of drones and sensors to enhance detection of archaeological cropmarks: A comparative study between multi-spectral and thermal imagery
PU Agudo, JA Pajas, F Pérez-Cabello, JV Redón, BE Lebrón
Drones 2 (3), 29, 2018
Properties of X-, C-and L-band repeat-pass interferometric SAR coherence in Mediterranean pine forests affected by fires
MA Tanase, M Santoro, U Wegmüller, J de la Riva, F Pérez-Cabello
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (10), 2182-2194, 2010
Site Effects in a Volcanic Environment: A Comparison between hvsr and Array Techniques at Colima, Mexico
FJ Chávez-García, T Domínguez, M Rodríguez, F Pérez
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97 (2), 591-604, 2007
Estimating burn severity at the regional level using optically based indices
M Tanase, J de la Riva, F Pérez-Cabello
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (4), 863-872, 2011
Micro-scale post-fire surface cover changes monitored using high spatial resolution photography in a semiarid environment: A useful tool in the study of post-fire soil erosion …
F Pérez-Cabello, A Cerdà, J De La Riva, MT Echeverría, A García-Martín, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 76, 88-96, 2012
Consenso sobre la vacunación frente a la gripe en el personal sanitario
JJ Picazo, LM Alonso, J Arístegui Fernández, JM Bayas Rodríguez, ...
Revista Espanola de Quimioterapia, 2012, vol. 25, num. 3, p. 226-239, 2012
Exceptional summer conditions and HABs of Pseudochattonella in Southern Chile create record impacts on salmon farms
A Clement, L Lincoqueo, M Saldivia, CG Brito, F Muñoz, C Fernández, ...
Harmful Algae News 53, 1-3, 2016
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Articles 1–20