Charles E.H. Berger
Charles E.H. Berger
Netherlands Forensic Institute, Leiden University
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Interpreting evidence: evaluating forensic science in the courtroom
B Robertson, GA Vignaux, CEH Berger
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Surface plasmon resonance multisensing
CEH Berger, TAM Beumer, RPH Kooyman, J Greve
Analytical Chemistry 70 (4), 703-706, 1998
Signature verification competition for online and offline skilled forgeries (sigcomp2011)
M Liwicki, MI Malik, CE Van Den Heuvel, X Chen, C Berger, R Stoel, ...
2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 1480-1484, 2011
ENFSI guideline for evaluative reporting in forensic science
CCG Aitken, A Barrett, CEH Berger, A Biedermann, C Champod, TN Hicks, ...
European Network of Forensic Science Institutes, 2015
Resolution in surface plasmon microscopy
CEH Berger, RPH Kooyman, J Greve
Review of scientific instruments 65 (9), 2829-2836, 1994
Expressing evaluative opinions: a position statement
C Aitken, CEH Berger, JS Buckleton, C Champod, J Curran, AP Dawid, ...
Science and justice 51 (1), 1-2, 2011
Evidence evaluation: A response to the court of appeal judgment in R v T
CEH Berger, J Buckleton, C Champod, IW Evett, G Jackson
Science & Justice 51 (2), 43-49, 2011
Functional group imaging by adhesion AFM applied to lipid monolayers
CEH Berger, KO Van der Werf, RPH Kooyman, BG De Grooth, J Greve
Langmuir 11 (11), 4188-4192, 1995
Differential SPR immunosensing
CEH Berger, J Greve
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 63 (1-2), 103-108, 2000
Implementing context information management in forensic casework: Minimizing contextual bias in firearms examination
E Mattijssen, W Kerkhoff, CEH Berger, IE Dror, RD Stoel
Science & Justice 56, 113-122, 2016
Minimizing contextual bias in forensic casework
RD Stoel, C Berger, W Kerkhoff, E Mattijssen, IE Dror, M Hickman, ...
Forensic Science and the Administration of Justice: Critical Issues and …, 2014
Extending the confusion about Bayes
B Robertson, GA Vignaux, CEH Berger
The Modern Law Review 74 (3), 444-455, 2011
The LR does not exist
CEH Berger, K Slooten
Science and justice 56, 388-391, 2016
Controlled irradiative formation of penitentes
V Bergeron, CEH Berger, MD Betterton
Physical review letters 96 (9), 098502, 2006
Activity level DNA evidence evaluation: on propositions addressing the actor or the activity
B Kokshoorn, BJ Blankers, J de Zoete, CEH Berger
Forensic Science International 278, 115-124, 2017
Validity and reliability of forensic firearm examiners
EJAT Mattijssen, CLM Witteman, CEH Berger, RD Stoel
Forensic science international 307, 110112, 2020
Likelihood ratio methods for forensic comparison of evaporated gasoline residues
P Vergeer, A Bolck, LJC Peschier, CEH Berger, JN Hendrikse
Science & Justice 54, 401-411, 2014
Color separation in forensic image processing
CEH Berger, JA de Koeijer, W Glas, HT Madhuizen
Journal of Forensic Sciences 51 (1), 100-102, 2006
Finding the way forward for forensic science in the US—A commentary on the PCAST report
IW Evett, CEH Berger, JS Buckleton, C Champod, G Jackson
Forensic Science International 278, 16-23, 2017
How clear is transparent? Reporting expert reasoning in legal cases
MJ Sjerps, CEH Berger
Law, Probability and Risk 11 (4), 317-329, 2012
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Articles 1–20