Hong Liu
Hong Liu
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark
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A simulation study of the shape of β′ precipitates in Mg–Y and Mg–Gd alloys
H Liu, Y Gao, JZ Liu, YM Zhu, Y Wang, JF Nie
Acta Materialia 61 (2), 453-466, 2013
Phase-field modeling of microstructure evolution: Recent applications, perspectives and challenges
D Tourret, H Liu, J LLorca
Progress in Materials Science 123, 100810, 2022
Simulation study of precipitation in an Mg–Y–Nd alloy
Y Gao, H Liu, R Shi, N Zhou, Z Xu, YM Zhu, JF Nie, Y Wang
Acta Materialia 60 (12), 4819-4832, 2012
Precipitation during high temperature aging of Al−Cu alloys: a multiscale analysis based on first principles calculations
H Liu, I Papadimitriou, FX Lin, J LLorca
Acta Materialia 167, 121-135, 2019
Multiscale modelling of the morphology and spatial distribution of θ′ precipitates in Al-Cu alloys
H Liu, B Bellón, J LLorca
Acta Materialia 132, 611-626, 2017
A simulation study of β1 precipitation on dislocations in an Mg–rare earth alloy
H Liu, Y Gao, YM Zhu, Y Wang, JF Nie
Acta Materialia 77, 133-150, 2014
On the Structure and Role of in β 1 Precipitation in Mg–Nd Alloys
H Liu, YM Zhu, NC Wilson, JF Nie
Acta Materialia 133, 408-426, 2017
Metastable precipitate phases in Mg–9.8 wt.% Sn alloy
CQ Liu, HW Chen, H Liu, XJ Zhao, JF Nie
Acta Materialia 144, 590-600, 2017
Phase-field simulation of Orowan strengthening by coherent precipitate plates in an aluminum alloy
H Liu, Y Gao, L Qi, Y Wang, JF Nie
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46 (7), 3287-3301, 2015
Formation of and interaction between β′ F and β′ phases in a Mg‒Gd alloy
H Liu, WF Xu, NC Wilson, LM Peng, JF Nie
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 712, 334-344, 2017
Linear-chain configuration of precipitates in Mg–Nd alloys
YM Zhu, H Liu, Z Xu, Y Wang, JF Nie
Acta Materialia 83, 239-247, 2015
Formation and autocatalytic nucleation of co-zone {101 ̅2} deformation twins in Mg: A phase field simulation study
H Liu, FX Lin, P Zhao, N Moelans, Y Wang, JF Nie
Acta Materialia 153, 86-107, 2018
Effect of La addition on microstructure, mechanical behavior, strengthening and toughening mechanisms of cast Mg-Gd-Zn alloy
J Lin, P Fu, Y Wang, H Liu, Y Zheng, L Peng, W Ding
Materials Science and Engineering: A 866, 144688, 2023
A simulation study of the distribution of β′ precipitates in a crept Mg-Gd-Zr alloy
H Liu, WF Xu, LM Peng, WJ Ding, JF Nie
Computational Materials Science 130, 152-164, 2017
Phase field simulation of microstructures of Mg and Al alloys
H Liu, JF Nie
Materials Science and Technology 33 (18), 2159-2172, 2017
A first-principles study β′ F phase in magnesium-rare earth binary systems
YX Liu, H Liu, YM Zhu, NC Wilson, JF Nie
Computational Materials Science 170, 109126, 2019
Guided self-assembly of nano-precipitates into mesocrystals
H Liu, Y Gao, Z Xu, YM Zhu, Y Wang, JF Nie
Scientific reports 5, 16530, 2015
Variant Selection of Primary− Secondary Extension Twin Pairs in Magnesium: An Analytical Calculation Study
H Liu, FX Lin, P Liu, Y Yue, KS Shin, LM Peng, L Delannay, JF Nie, ...
Acta Materialia, 117221, 2021
Simulation of Microstructure Evolution in Mg Alloys by Phase-Field Methods: A Review
Y Wang, Y Zhang, X Liu, J Wang, X Xie, J Jiang, J Liu, H Liu, Y Wu, ...
Crystals 12 (9), 1305, 2022
Three-dimensional Shape and Stress Field of a Deformation Twin in Magnesium
H Liu, FX Lin, N Moelans, LM Peng, JF Nie, IJ Beyerlein
Acta Materialia, 118845, 2023
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