Dominique Fasbender
Dominique Fasbender
Institut wallon de la prospetive, de l'évaluation et de la statistique (IWEPS)
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Bayesian data fusion for adaptable image pansharpening
D Fasbender, J Radoux, P Bogaert
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (6), 1847-1857, 2008
Comparing land surface phenology of major European crops as derived from SAR and multispectral data of Sentinel-1 and-2
M Meroni, R d'Andrimont, A Vrieling, D Fasbender, G Lemoine, ...
Remote sensing of environment 253, 112232, 2021
Revisiting the concept of a symmetric index of agreement for continuous datasets
G Duveiller, D Fasbender, M Meroni
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19401, 2016
Thematic accuracy assessment of geographic object-based image classification
J Radoux, P Bogaert, D Fasbender, P Defourny
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 25 (6), 895-911, 2011
Near real-time vegetation anomaly detection with MODIS NDVI: Timeliness vs. accuracy and effect of anomaly computation options
M Meroni, D Fasbender, F Rembold, C Atzberger, A Klisch
Remote sensing of environment 221, 508-521, 2019
Parameter optimization and uncertainty analysis for plot-scale continuous modeling of runoff using a formal Bayesian approach
E Laloy, D Fasbender, CL Bielders
Journal of hydrology 380 (1-2), 82-93, 2010
Bayesian data fusion in a spatial prediction context: a general formulation
P Bogaert, D Fasbender
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 21, 695-709, 2007
Support-based implementation of Bayesian data fusion for spatial enhancement: Applications to ASTER thermal images
D Fasbender, D Tuia, P Bogaert, M Kanevski
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 5 (4), 598-602, 2008
Remote sensing monitoring of land restoration interventions in semi-arid environments with a before–after control-impact statistical design
M Meroni, A Schucknecht, D Fasbender, F Rembold, F Fava, M Mauclaire, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 59, 42-52, 2017
Bayesian data fusion applied to water table spatial mapping
D Fasbender, L Peeters, P Bogaert, A Dassargues
Water Resources Research 44 (12), 2008
Discriminating sources of nitrate pollution in an unconfined sandy aquifer
S Mattern, D Fasbender, M Vanclooster
Journal of hydrology 376 (1-2), 275-284, 2009
Evaluating NDVI data continuity between SPOT-VEGETATION and PROBA-V missions for operational yield forecasting in North African countries
M Meroni, D Fasbender, R Balaghi, M Dali, M Haffani, I Haythem, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (2), 795-804, 2015
Assessing agriculture vulnerabilities for the design of effective measures for adaption to climate change (AVEMAC project)
M Donatelli, G Duveiller, D Fumagalli, A Srivastava, A Zucchini, V Angileri, ...
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, EUR 25249, 2012
Bayesian data fusion for water table interpolation: incorporating a hydrogeological conceptual model in kriging
L Peeters, D Fasbender, O Batelaan, A Dassargues
Water Resources Research 46 (8), 2010
Assessing spatial limits of Sentinel-2 data on arable crops in the context of checks by monitoring
B Vajsová, D Fasbender, C Wirnhardt, S Lemajic, W Devos
Remote Sensing 12 (14), 2195, 2020
Combining categorical and continuous spatial information within the Bayesian maximum entropy paradigm
MA Wibrin, P Bogaert, D Fasbender
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 20, 423-433, 2006
Early detection of biomass production deficit hot-spots in semi-arid environment using FAPAR time series and a probabilistic approach
M Meroni, D Fasbender, F Kayitakire, G Pini, F Rembold, F Urbano, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 142, 57-68, 2014
Evaluation of the Standardized Precipitation Index as an early predictor of seasonal vegetation production anomalies in the Sahel
M Meroni, F Rembold, D Fasbender, A Vrieling
Remote sensing letters 8 (4), 301-310, 2017
Spatial Bayesian model for statistical downscaling of AOGCM to minimum and maximum daily temperatures
D Fasbender, TBMJ Ouarda
Journal of climate 23 (19), 5222-5242, 2010
Revisiting the concept of a symmetric index of agreement for continuous datasets, Sci. Rep.-UK, 6, 19401
G Duveiller, D Fasbender, M Meroni
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Articles 1–20