Travis Monk
Travis Monk
Postdoc, the MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University
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Cited by
A model for predicting magnetic particle capture in a microfluidic bioseparator
EP Furlani, Y Sahoo, KC Ng, JC Wortman, TE Monk
Biomedical Microdevices 9, 451-463, 2007
Martingales and fixation probabilities of evolutionary graphs
T Monk, P Green, M Paulin
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2014
Predation and the origin of neurones
T Monk, MG Paulin
Brain Behavior and Evolution 84 (4), 246-261, 2014
Martingales and the fixation probability of high-dimensional evolutionary graphs
T Monk
Journal of theoretical biology 451, 10-18, 2018
Ecological constraints on the origin of neurones
T Monk, MG Paulin, P Green
Journal of mathematical biology 71, 1299-1324, 2015
Wald’s martingale and the conditional distributions of absorption time in the Moran process
T Monk, A van Schaik
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2241), 20200135, 2020
Optimal neural inference of stimulus intensities
T Monk, C Savin, J Lücke
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10038, 2018
Noise-robust text-dependent speaker identification using cochlear models
MA Islam, Y Xu, T Monk, S Afshar, A van Schaik
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151 (1), 500-516, 2022
The evolutionary origin of nervous systems and implications for neural computation
T Monk
University of Otago, 2014
Martingales and the characteristic functions of absorption time on bipartite graphs
T Monk, A van Schaik
Royal Society Open Science 8 (10), 210657, 2021
Neurons equipped with intrinsic plasticity learn stimulus intensity statistics
T Monk, C Savin, J Lücke
Advances in neural information processing systems 29, 2016
Martingales and the fixation time of evolutionary graphs with arbitrary dimensionality
T Monk, A van Schaik
Royal Society Open Science 9 (5), 220011, 2022
Electrical signaling beyond neurons
T Monk, N Dennler, N Ralph, S Rastogi, S Afshar, P Urbizagastegui, ...
Neural Computation 36 (10), 1939-2029, 2024
Using optimality to predict photoreceptor distribution in the retina
T Monk, C Harris
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 408-415, 2008
An Event based Prediction Suffix Tree
E Andrew, T Monk, A van Schaik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.14944, 2023
Investigation of Auditory Nerve Model and Conventional Approaches in Noise-Robust Speaker Identification
MA Islam, Y Xu, S Afshar, T Monk, A Van Schaik
2021 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing (ICFSP …, 2021
2021 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing (ICFSP 2021)
KM San, A Glushkov, O Chernoyarov, V Litvinenko, Y Litvinenko, ...
Wald’s martingale and the Moran process
T Monk, A van Schaik
bioRxiv, 2020.02. 24.962407, 2020
Bayesian inference from single spikes
T Monk, M Paulin
BMC Neuroscience 14 (Suppl 1), P278, 2013
The Evolutionary Origin of Nervous Systems and Implications for Neural Computation: A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Otago …
T Monk
University of Otago, 2013
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Articles 1–20