Kazi Ashraf Uddin (কাজী আশরাফ উদ্দীন)
Kazi Ashraf Uddin (কাজী আশরাফ উদ্দীন)
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Cited by
Heteronationalistic Necropower: Pandemic Double disenfranchisement and Alienation of Hijras
KA Uddin
Socioscapes. International Journal of Societies, Politics and Cultures 2 (1 …, 2020
Epistemology of the South: Exploring the Perspectives on Rohingya Refugee Research
KA Uddin
2nd International Conference on “Refugee, Resistance, and Recognition …, 2023
Religious rehabilitation of the Hijras: An Alternative Transgender Integration Model in the Global South
KA Uddin
DevNet Conference "Navigating Development in the Troubled Waters" 2022 …, 2022
Translating “the breast” and “the milk”: In Search for an Oriental traduction féminine
KA Uddin
7TH IATIS CONFERENCE: The Cultural Ecology of Translation, Barcelona, Spain …, 2021
Sidewalk and Traffic Intersections: An Urban Anthropological Evaluation of the Spatial Organization and Practices of Dhaka City
KA Uddin
Journal of The Faculty of Social Sciences, Jahangirnagar University 54, 93-102, 2020
Understanding Deviant Space: A Study of the Subversion of Power Dynamics in Paharganj
KA Uddin
Crossings 11, pp.198-208, 2020
“From বাংলা through français to English: A Comparative Reading of Two Translations of Syed Waliullah’s novel, Lal Shalu”
KA Uddin
ICLA Congress 2019, University of Macau, China, 2019
“Voicing Draupadi: (Re)Constructing the Female Archetype”
KA Uddin
Southeast University English Department Journal, ISSN. 2519-1543. 3, pp.7-16, 2019
““অর্থ নয়, কীর্তি নয়, সচ্ছলতা নয় - / আর এক বিপন্ন বিষ্ময়”: Locating the Sublime and the Real in Jibanananda Das’ Poetry
KA Uddin
Harvest, Jahangirnagar University Studies in Language and Literature 34, 2019
“Teaching French in South Asia: Pedagogical Challenges”
KA Uddin
23rd International Conference of NELTA, Kathamandu, Nepal, 2018
“From Chitrāngadā to চিত্রাঙ্গদা to Chitrangada: Performativity and Transformativtiy of the Queer Body”
KA Uddin
International conference on ‘Redrawing Gender Boundaries in Literary …, 2017
Kamola plays a Drag-Queen: Reading ‘Lolita Complex’ in Humayun Ahmed’s Ghetuputra Kamola (2012),
KA Uddin
Identity in the Globalized World, 2017
“Monster in the Pastoral: Reading Eco-Subaltern Narrative in South Asian Literature”
KA Uddin
“Conference of International Comparative Literature Association 2016 – ICLA …, 2016
“From Material to Meta-Material: Reading Visual Texts (A)Materially”
KA Uddin
XIXth International Conference on “Materialities: Objects, Matters, Things …, 2016
“‘Return of the Repressed’” or Calling the Repressed: Reading the Spectrality of Lazarus in Literature and Popular Culture”
KA Uddin
“The River: Flows of Innovation and Exchange in the Global(i)zed English …, 2016
“Consensual Hallucination”: Dystopian Posthuman Condition in Gibson’s Neuromancer
KA Uddin
Harvest: Jahangirnagar University Studies in Language and Literature, 32, pp …, 2016
“Goodbye Blue Sky: Reading Post-Industrial Apocalypse in Pink Floyd”,
KA Uddin
"The Machine in the Garden: Literature, Language and Technology in English …, 2015
‘“Violence that dare not speak its name: Construing and de-construing minority ‘men’”
KAUC Mashrur Shahid Hossain
Discoursing Minority: In-Text and Co-Text, pp.76-97, 2014
Kamola plays a Drag-Queen: Reading ‘Lolita Complex’ in Humayun Ahmed’s Ghetuputra Kamola (2012)
KA Uddin
1st International Conference on Social Science and Humanities, 2014
“Swinging between ‘Ratan’ and ‘Ratna’: Gender Ambiguity in Anan Zaman’s Shikhandi Katha”
KA Uddin
Harvest, Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, ISSN: 1729-8326 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20