Ali Mehrabi
Cited by
Cited by
Histopathological breast cancer image classification by deep neural network techniques guided by local clustering
AA Nahid, MA Mehrabi, Y Kong
BioMed research international 2018 (1), 2362108, 2018
Elliptic curve cryptography point multiplication core for hardware security module
MA Mehrabi, C Doche, A Jolfaei
IEEE Transactions on Computers 69 (11), 1707-1718, 2020
LSB data hiding detection based on gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)
M Abolghasemi, H Aghainia, K Faez, MA Mehrabi
2008 International Symposium on Telecommunications, 656-659, 2008
Low-cost, low-power FPGA implementation of ED25519 and CURVE25519 point multiplication
MA Mehrabi, C Doche
Information 10 (9), 285, 2019
Machine-learning-based side-channel evaluation of elliptic-curve cryptographic FPGA processor
N Mukhtar, MA Mehrabi, Y Kong, A Anjum
Applied Sciences 9 (1), 64, 2018
Image steganalysis based on statistical moments of wavelet subband histograms in different frequencies and support vector machine
MA Mehrabi, K Faez, AR Bayesteh
Third International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2007) 1, 587-590, 2007
Steganalysis of LSB matching based on co-occurrence matrix and removing most significant bit planes
M Abolghasemi, H Aghainia, K Faez, MA Mehrabi
2008 International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and …, 2008
Efficient cryptographic hardware for safety message verification in internet of connected vehicles
MA Mehrabi, A Jolfaei
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 22 (4), 1-16, 2022
Image steganalysis based on statistical moments of wavelet subband histogram of images with least significant bit planes
MA Mehrabi, H Aghaeinia, M Abolghasemi
2008 Congress on Image and Signal Processing 2, 768-772, 2008
Edge enhanced deep learning system for IoT edge device security analytics
N Mukhtar, A Mehrabi, Y Kong, A Anjum
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, …, 2021
Detection of steganography based on co-occurrence matrix and bit plane clipping
M Abolghasemi, H Aghaeinia, K Faez, MA Mehrabi
Journal of Electronic Imaging 19 (1), 013014-013014-9, 2010
An Optimized Multi-layer Spiking Neural Network implementation in FPGA Without Multipliers
A Mehrabi, Y Bethi, A van Schaik, S Afshar
Procedia Computer Science 222, 407-414, 2023
Improved sum of residues modular multiplication algorithm
MA Mehrabi
Cryptography 3 (2), 14, 2019
Frequency-domain information along with LSTM and GRU methods for histopathological breast-image classification
AA Nahid, MA Mehrabi, Y Kong
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2017
Efficient Implementation of a Multi-Layer Gradient-Free Online-Trainable Spiking Neural Network on FPGA
A Mehrabi, Y Bethi, A van Schaik, A Wabnitz, S Afshar, 15, 2023
Real-Time Anomaly Detection Using Hardware-based Unsupervised Spiking Neural Network (TinySNN)
A. Mehrabi, N. Dennler, Y. Bethi, A. vanSchaik, S. Afshar
IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 1-8, 2024
Steganalysis of LSB-matching steganography by removing most significant bit planes
MA Mehrabi, H Aghaeinia, M Abolghasemi
2008 International Symposium on Telecommunications, 731-734, 2008
FPGA-Based Spiking Neural Networks
A Mehrabi, A van Schaik
Recent Advances in Neuromorphic Computing, 2024
Power Side-Channel Analysis of RNS GLV ECC Using Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms
AJ MA. Mehrabi, N. Mukhtar
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology(TOIT) 21 (3), 2021
Efficient Hardware Implementation of a Multi-Layer Gradient-Free Online-Trainable Spiking Neural Network on FPGA
A Mehrabi, Y Bethi, A Van Schaik, A Wabnitz, S Afshar
IEEE Access 12, 170980 - 170993, 2024
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Articles 1–20