Christopher N. Watling
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Cited by
From road distraction to safe driving: Evaluating the effects of boredom and gamification on driving behaviour, physiological arousal, and subjective experience
F Steinberger, R Schroeter, CN Watling
Computers in Human Behavior 75, 714-726, 2017
Applying Stafford and Warr's reconceptualization of deterrence theory to drug driving: Can it predict those likely to offend?
CN Watling, GR Palk, JE Freeman, JD Davey
Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (2), 452-458, 2010
Greater rewards in videogames lead to more presence, enjoyment and effort
D Johnson, M Klarkowski, K Vella, C Phillips, M McEwan, CN Watling
Computers in Human Behavior 87, 66-74, 2018
Physiological signal-based drowsiness detection using machine learning: Singular and hybrid signal approaches
MM Hasan, CN Watling, GS Larue
Journal of safety research 80, 215-225, 2022
Pedestrians distracted by their smartphone: Are in-ground flashing lights catching their attention? A laboratory study
GS Larue, CN Watling, AA Black, JM Wood, M Khakzar
Accident Analysis & Prevention 134, 105346, 2020
Deterrence of drug driving: The impact of the ACT drug driving legislation and detection techniques
KA Armstrong, CN Watling, JD Davey
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 54, 138-147, 2018
The edge of glory: the relationship between metacritic scores and player experience
D Johnson, C Watling, J Gardner, LE Nacke
Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human …, 2014
Examining signs of driver sleepiness, usage of sleepiness countermeasures and the associations with sleepy driving behaviours and individual factors
CN Watling, KA Armstrong, I Radun
Accident analysis & prevention 85, 22-29, 2015
Cooperative game play with avatars and agents: Differences in brain activity and the experience of play
D Johnson, P Wyeth, M Clark, C Watling
Proceedings of the 33rd annual acm conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Continuing to drive while sleepy: The influence of sleepiness countermeasures, motivation for driving sleepy, and risk perception
CN Watling, KA Armstrong, PL Obst, SS Smith
Accident Analysis & Prevention 73, 262-268, 2014
Sensitivity and specificity of the driver sleepiness detection methods using physiological signals: A systematic review
CN Watling, MM Hasan, GS Larue
Accident Analysis & Prevention 150, 105900, 2021
Acceptance of visual and audio interventions for distracted pedestrians
GS Larue, CN Watling
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 76, 369-383, 2021
Self-reported circumstances and consequences of driving while sleepy
I Radun, J Radun, M Wahde, CN Watling, G Kecklund
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 32, 91-100, 2015
Efficacy of proxy definitions for identification of fatigue/sleep-related crashes: An Australian evaluation
K Armstrong, AJ Filtness, CN Watling, P Barraclough, N Haworth
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 21, 242-252, 2013
Exploring perceived legitimacy of traffic law enforcement
C Watling, N Leal
Proceedings of the 2012 Australasian College of Road Safety National …, 2012
Stop and revive? The effectiveness of nap and active rest breaks for reducing driver sleepiness
CN Watling, SS Smith, MS Horswill
Psychophysiology 51 (11), 1131-1138, 2014
Crash risk perception of sleepy driving and its comparisons with drink driving and speeding: which behavior is perceived as the riskiest?
CN Watling, KA Armstrong, SS Smith, PL Obst
Traffic injury prevention 17 (4), 400-405, 2016
Improving the safety of distracted pedestrians with in-ground flashing lights. A railway crossing field study
GS Larue, CN Watling, A Black, JM Wood
Journal of safety research 77, 170-181, 2021
Is it safe to cross? Identification of trains and their approach speed at level crossings
GS Larue, AJ Filtness, JM Wood, S Demmel, CN Watling, A Naweed, ...
Safety science 103, 33-42, 2018
Sleepy driving and pulling over for a rest: Investigating individual factors that contribute to these driving behaviours
CN Watling
Personality and individual differences 56, 105-110, 2014
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Articles 1–20